
Instructor Role with Frontend LearnDash Course Creator: WisdmLabs’ Game-Changer For LearnDash

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Modern WordPress-based learning management systems like LearnDash have definitely helped redefine the role of a traditional teacher. No longer confined to just imparting knowledge, teachers are course creators, managers, and sometimes, even entrepreneurs.  Even though, with LearnDash, anyone with some technical knowledge can easily start an online course, creating course content is still a task. […]

How to quickly add new LearnDash lessons and topics using a frontend course creator?

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The best content in the world loses its efficiency if it’s not structured properly. That’s why LearnDash, being the most user-friendly WordPress LMS plugin, offers course creators the flexibility to organize their courses into an easy-to-understand hierarchical format. It helps you structure your courses into Course -> Section -> Lesson -> Topic. Lessons in LearnDash […]

How to help Instructors easily create courses on your LearnDash LMS?

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  Did you know, the number of courses offered by Udemy increased by 60% in 2020 compared to 2019? And Its 2020 revenue was likely to have been in excess of $400m.( This data is evidence that offering new courses and training programs is a great way to expand your LearnDash business. But doing it […]

New in Instructor Role for LearnDash: LearnDash Frontend Course Builder to build Courses Easily

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Today, we’re beyond excited to release one of the most requested and out-of-the-box solutions for LearnDash Instructors to create courses effortlessly: LearnDash Frontend Course Builder in Instructor Role — It’s finally here! If you’re hearing about this for the first time — It’s an intuitive and simple-to-use learndash frontend course builder that allows your Instructors to […]

How to create LearnDash course? (with no expertise)

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Image Source: Are you running an online course business on LearnDash? Do you want to expand your LearnDash business by creating a new LearnDash course or training program?As a LearnDash business owner, it’s important to scale your eLearning business. And what better way to do it than to create LearnDash course? And if you’re […]