
How to create LearnDash course? (with no expertise)

How to create LearnDash course? (with no expertise)

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Are you running an online course business on LearnDash? Do you want to expand your LearnDash business by creating a new LearnDash course or training program?As a LearnDash business owner, it’s important to scale your eLearning business. And what better way to do it than to create LearnDash course?

And if you’re thinking along the same lines, then you must be wondering — but what if you don’t have any expertise, to begin with? Is it still possible to create and sell a LearnDash course?

Well, the short answer to that question is — YES. Create LearnDash course without expertise is possible.Read more: [Free Training] How to Create, Sell and Validate Your LearnDash Course in 2 Hours!

How? You can take help from external subject matter experts to create courses for you.

Honestly, It’s easier than it sounds. And that’s exactly what we’ll discuss today.

Here’s how you can expand your LearnDash business by increasing course offerings without knowing anything about the subject matter yourself.

Allow external experts to create a new LearnDash course

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Let me explain this with an example.

Let’s assume that you run a blog and want to reach a new audience by offering articles and resources on newer topics on your website. But you don’t have the knowledge in that subject and can’t invest time in researching and learning about a new topic.

So what do you do?

You ask external bloggers to guest blog on your website. It helps you increase footfalls on your website, reach a wider audience, and also increase the number of articles published.

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Similarly, on your LearnDash LMS, you can allow external subject matter experts to create and sell courses on your LearnDash website. It will help you add more courses without learning the subject matter yourself.

So you can sit back and relax while external experts take care of creating and managing fresh courses on your eLearning platform. 

But that’s not the only advantage of letting external experts create courses on your LearnDash LMS. 

More Benefits of having external Instructors on your LearnDash LMS

Besides increasing your course offerings, external instructors can also help you:

External instructors can track & manage learner progress

Monitoring eLearning metrics like how many students have completed the courses submitted their assignments, and how many are in progress gives you an idea of how learners are progressing, which is important to measure the success of your business.

If a lot of students are unable to complete a particular course, it could mean that they require support or might need to make some modifications to the course content.

But as the admin, it becomes difficult to track student progress while managing your eLearning business.

Here’s where external instructors can help you. Besides creating courses, instructors can also view, edit, download, grade, and approve assignments and help keep track of the progress that learners make on your LMS.

This way you don’t have to worry about tracking learner progress and can focus on more high-impact driving items.

You can share a single course with multiple experts and let them collaborate

In addition to adding new courses on your eLearning platform, you can also assign multiple instructors to a single course.

This is especially helpful when you need multiple experts to share their expertise and work on a course together.

Hence, assigning multiple experts to a course can help improve the quality of the course and also assist learners as they will get knowledge from more than one subject matter expert at a time. 

Multiple Instructors can help you manage reports and certificates

Rewarding learners as and when they finish a course should not be treated as something that is optional. It’s important to provide learners with a sense of achievement. Hence, adding and managing certificates to your courses will motivate your learners.

But while managing administrative tasks, it’s hard to keep a track of student reports and create and edit certificates for them. 

To help you with this, external instructors can track learner progress and then create & award certificates or badges to students.

External instructors can assist you in resolving learner doubts more effectively

While managing an online course business, it is important to constantly be in touch with your learners. This ensures that they feel supported at every step of their e-Learning journey.

Whether it’s sending a successful course purchase email, an introductory email, or responding to student queries on your courses. Communicating with your learners helps your learners get their doubts resolved and also helps you improve your eLearning program based on their feedback.

But being an admin, it can be difficult to take out the time to send emails or respond to each learner’s query. However, when you let external instructors create courses on your LMS, you can also allow them to communicate with students directly without your involvement.

Instructors can send emails, trigger notifications depending on the status of the learner on the course, and resolve learner doubts from the LMS itself. No need to switch between inboxes.

Now that we know the various benefits of having external experts on your site besides helping you create a new LearnDash course. It’s also important to learn how you can easily onboard multiple subject experts so that they understand your eLearning program, the value that your business provides, and how to help improve eLearning outcomes.

Read more: How to collaborate with subject matter experts to improve LearnDash courses

Create multiple instructors on your LearnDash LMS

Create multiple instructors on your LearnDash LMS


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LearnDash is a popular WordPress plugin that allows you to create and sell courses online. It’s a great way to monetize your knowledge and expertise.

And if don’t have the expertise, you can let external experts create new LearnDash courses and training programs for you. Not only will help you add more courses to your site but also speed up the course and student management.

There are simple plugins that can help you easily add and manage multiple instructors on your LearnDash site. The WisdmLabs Instructor Role plugin is one.



You simply create and assign ‘Instructor’ capabilities to all your course authors, instead of making them administrators. The plugin adds a user role, i.e the ‘Instructor’ user role which you can assign to your external subject matter experts and course authors.

As an instructor, the author can create and manage their courses fully, including quiz creation, assignment management, gamification integration, etc., but they cannot modify any other part of the website or courses created by others, without having permission to do so.

This is useful as most subject matter experts are not necessarily tech-savvy and may get confused when exposed to complex WordPress settings.

Hence, our helps you secure your website and also gives you the freedom to add as many instructors as you like.

And the biggest advantage of using a multi-instructor plugin is that as the admin, the overall control still remains in your hands as all your instructors are responsible for creating and managing their own courses and students.

Read More: 5 Features to Empower Instructors on Your LearnDash Website

In Closing: Use a multi-instructor plugin to allow external experts to create courses on your LearnDash LMS

LearnDash is a simple LMS. The course structure is quite intuitive and helps you create courses easily. But when you want to add more people, you will need to ensure that your LearnDash LMS is well-equipped to help you manage multiple instructors effectively.

And with LearnDash’s current functionality, these people will need access to the backend to create their courses. And while they may be familiar with WordPress’s admin interface, if you are not, then it can be quite cumbersome. For those who are familiar with WordPress’s admin panel, you might face another problem- giving someone access to the backend might compromise the security of your website.

But by using the WisdmLabs Instructor Role plugin, you can not only secure your website by giving external instructors limited access but also speed up course creation and management by providing them with easy-to-use tools and a dashboard to get an overview of everything.

Not convinced? You can check out the demo to see how easily you can let external instructors sign up with a single click and get started with creating and selling courses in record time.

Read More:

Well, that’s it for today. Hope you feel confident enough to expand your LearnDash business by collaborating with SMEs in or outside of your expertise.

Because for any business, collaboration and partnership are important for growth.

So, are you ready to succeed in your eLearning business?

Let us know in the comments below.

Read More:

  1. How to help Instructors easily create courses on your LearnDash LMS?
  2. How to use WISDM Reports for LearnDash to improve learner experience

Picture of Nitansha Tanwar

Nitansha Tanwar

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