
8 Benefits of a Dedicated LearnDash Dashboard for Instructors

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Your eLearning website may require you to sign up instructors to create and manage courses and students. 

While this gives you an opportunity to concentrate on other aspects of your business, unfortunately, it also comes with the risk of sharing your LearnDash backend with instructors.

With tonnes of valuable data, exposing your admin area to your instructors can turn out to be a nightmare.

Fortunately, the Instructor Role plugin helps you provide your instructors with their own dedicated LearnDash dashboard

This not only means protecting sensitive data but a whole lot more.

Read on further to find out more about the benefits of having a dedicated Instructor’s dashboard on your LearnDash LMS.

Benefits of having an Instructor’s LearnDash dashboard

Running an online learning website is not an easy job, especially, when you’re offering multiple courses to several students. With that being said, the primary reasons to provide your instructors with their own operations panel are – security and ease of course creation.

1. Keeps the data security intact

When handling an online learning website, there’s so much content, student data, training material, etc. stored in the backend of your LearnDash dashboard. 

Usually, when you invite multiple instructors to create, edit and manage courses and students, you’d have to give them access to your backend dashboard for them to operate.

In doing so, you end up risking lots of valuable data in terms of students and training material.

However, with the Instructor Role plugin, your instructors will be able to operate from their own dedicated dashboard and will only be able to access LearnDash’s options to create new courses, thereby, ensuring the safety and security of your data and website.

Instructors do not have access to the admin dashboard at all. Moreover, it restricts your course creators from editing courses created by you or other instructors, thereby, maintaining the sanctity.

2. You’re in control at all times

Having control over a rebellious teenager can be difficult at times.

Thankfully, when it comes to having control over creating/editing courses, the Instructor Role plugin, despite providing your instructors with the freedom to create their own courses allows you to keep the final authority. 

You can enable the option to approve/reject any changes before publishing the content which keeps you in control at all times.approve instructor update

3. Building engagement and improving user experience through student-teacher communication

Remember the times when your teacher spoke to you in school when you faced problems regarding any particular test or a subject?

Well, sure online learning comes with its own limitations of personalization, but the Instructor Role plugin tries its best to bridge this gap by facilitating the student-teacher communication.

With the Instructor’s dashboard, your instructors will be able to directly communicate with their enrolled students via email.

It allows your instructors to provide quick feedback to the students regarding their performance and enables them to notify students about any updates regarding the course/test/lessons etc. 

In doing so, it gives you an opportunity to increase engagement and reliability on your LearnDash website. By inching towards personalization, you also get to provide a great user experience for your students.

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4. An improved learning experience with student reports

In order to sustain, it’s vital for any eLearning business to provide a great learning experience for their students.

The Instructors LearnDash dashboard caters to your needs exactly by allowing your course creators to access student reports.

This report provides details like the total number of students who’ve or haven’t completed the course, their progress and even allows them to download the course report.

These course-specific reports make it way easier for the instructors to track student’s performance and most importantly, it helps in identifying and fulfilling the gaps in learning leading to an improved learning experience for your learners.

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5. Long term business relations with ease of course creation

Every instructor today wants to be empowered with the authority to create their own courses and assignments. Having said this, it’s worth noting that not all instructors are well-versed with WordPress. 

With this in mind, the Instructor’s dedicated LearnDash dashboard is designed in a way that allows your course creators to create their own courses smoothly without going through WordPress complexities.

 Having this in place gives your course creators the freedom to create courses and also eliminates the efforts on your end of setting custom permissions every time an instructor wanted to edit or create a course.

For what it’s worth, empowering your instructors with a sense of control and responsibility helps in developing trust with your course authors, thereby, leading to successful long term business relations.

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6. Saving time and efforts through the commissions’ report.

It’s no secret that your course creators earn a commission on every sale of their course.

While that’s the natural flow, the Instructors LearnDash dashboard adds more value to this by allowing your instructors to access all the information regarding their commissions in an easy and systematic fashion through a commissions’ report.

By making the commissions report available in the dashboard itself, your instructors will be able to track their commissions and access their commission history in a single click

This saves tons of time and effort for your course creators as they don’t have to scrounge the LMS for commissions data. Moreover, the Instructor Role plugin automatically calculates commissions for you and reduces efforts allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. 

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7. Easy analysis and quick decision-making

Imagine having all the information available in one place! 

Super convenient, isn’t it?

Our intuitive Instructors dashboard for LearnDash delivers this convenience to your instructors by providing an overall view of the entire course right after they log in.

At a glance, your instructors will have information on data like the total number of courses, total sales, total students enrolled, total commissions earned, etc. 

The overall view makes it simple for your instructors to analyze the problems relating to course sales, student progress, etc. and gives them an opportunity to identify their priorities and focus on the problems accordingly, leading to quick-decision making.

Having all the information at a glance will prove to be of great significance as it will increase your instructor’s productivity and allows them to find everything easily.

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8. Avoid confusion with a single dashboard

Usually, to reap the benefits of all the above-mentioned points, you’d have to use different affiliate plugins based on the functionalities your instructors would need.

For e.g: You’d need to install a report based plugin so that your instructors can access students’ reports and then limiting the access of that reporting plugin only to the students enrolled in the courses, you’d also have to install a different plugin to calculate commissions for your instructors and so on.

However, if you go ahead with different plugins for each functionality, you’d end up confusing your instructors and eventually, yourself.

Well, since the above-mentioned functions are quite essential in terms of the value and growth of your business, it doesn’t make sense to invest extra efforts in making these functionalities available to your instructors.

Instead, you can save your valuable time and efforts by using the Instructor Role plugin which, by default, along with its intuitive dashboard provides all of the above and more functionalities your instructors would need once they log into their account.


With our Instructor Role plugin for LearnDash, you get an opportunity to provide authority and develop trust with your Instructors by empowering them with their own dedicated dashboard.

Version 3.5.0 onward, WISDM Instructor Role includes a professional and customizable Instructor Profile page that can be used to share all the necessary information about instructors on your site. Instructors can use this space to add details such as their photo, bio, expertise, qualification, courses created, ratings, and so on.

Profile pages give instructors credibility and help them showcase their personality. The profile page can also be used to share contact information.

Now that you’re aware of all the benefits you stand to gain with a dedicated Instructors LearnDash dashboard, it’s about time you start investing more time on growing your eLearning business 🙂

Read more:

  1. How multiple instructors can help you drive more business on your LearnDash LMS


Sharon Koshy

Sharon Koshy

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