
7 Ways Multiple Instructors Benefit LearnDash Admins

    Sharon Koshy
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Running a Learning Management System is tough. Among the many things you have to do, finding time to create content, building a course schedule, managing students, happen to be the leading challenges LMS admins face even today.

Overcoming these hurdles is a matter of implementing the right measures. And one such step is adding instructors or course authors on your LearnDash website.

But how can Instructors help overcome admin challenges? You’re about to find out!

Challenge #1 – Lack of Time to Create Courses

If there’s one thing that stands out when managing a LearnDash website, it’s a dearth of time. Everything, right from maintaining your WordPress website to creating kickass learning content that drives in students, needs TIME.

For a growing training institute or a course marketplace, you, as the admin, cannot manage every small bit along with creating new courses to meet students’ needs. Here’s where external instructors or guest authors can help.

Each instructor can bring with them the knowledge and expertise to create courses for various subject matters; helping you free up your time for other activities.

SOLUTION: Distributing course content creation among instructors who bring with them a level of expertise.

Challenge #2 – Handling Course Updation and Management

Apart from course creation, managing course content and updating it on a regular basis is an equally meticulous task. When you have several courses, updating can be an activity that’s pushed down the priority list but can directly impact your training business. However, courses need to be kept current and relevant to make sure student learning and experience remains unaffected.

By adding on instructors and empowering them with course management responsibilities, you can make sure you offer the best content to students, always. Assigning multiple instructors to a single course would be an added bonus, thus distributing course creation and updating responsibilities among instructors and creating a better learning experience.

SOLUTION: Let instructors update and manage course content they’ve created.

Challenge #3 – Evaluating Student Performance

Quizzes are an important part of the course content. They help us evaluate how well students have understood the concepts explained in the course. Student performance indicates how well the course is and admins can make improvements on its basis.

But multiple students might be attempting several quizzes all at once, making it nearly impossible for the admin to track student performance efficiently.

Having instructors makes it easy to offload student performance evaluation and tracking. Instructors can view and score quiz attempts made by students enrolled in their courses.

SOLUTION: Offload quiz evaluation tasks to instructors.

Challenge #4 – Helping Students Improve with Feedback

Feedback given to students is integral to the learning process. One-on-one sessions or personalized comments can benefit students over and above merely evaluating quiz attempts. But feedback needs dedication and takes time. Some LearnDash admins might skip offering feedback because it’s simply not possible to take time out for each and every student.

Here’s where having multiple instructors helps. Instructors can share the responsibility of communicating with students and offering them feedback on a timely basis. Students can benefit by discussing directly with instructors who are adept enough to offer them help.

SOLUTION: Onboard instructors to help clear student queries, offer them feedback, and actively participate in forums.

Challenge #5 – Sending Students Timely Updates

There’s often a scenario when certain course-related changes need to be communicated with students. With multiple courses and students, it’s a huge responsibility for the admin to let students know about changes related to the course.

Since instructors have fewer courses and students to manage, they can be given the task of communicating important notices to students.

SOLUTION: Let instructors communicate with students about changes related to the courses they manage.

Challenge #6 – Managing the LearnDash Website

Now, instructors have a dedicated responsibility. Their focus is on creating content, teaching students, evaluating them, and managing course content. They might not be involved in site management. But that’s okay. If they take the burden of course creation and management away from you, you have the time to efficiently manage your LearnDash website.

You can run routine maintenance checks, backups, website hygiene functions, to make sure things are running well from a platform perspective.

SOLUTION: Instructors help you free up time to manage your LearnDash website.

Challenge #7 – Marketing Course Content and Offerings

If you’re a LearnDash admin who’s been in the business for a while, you’ll know the importance of marketing your website. Marketing helps you attract students, gets them to trust your brand and helps you grow your business.

Multiple instructors can behave like your private pool of marketers. They can help you spread the word about your business, market courses they create on their social channels, and actively work towards directing traffic to your website.

Instructors can also be a great source of information; helping you craft subject-matter specific blog posts that target potential students.

SOLUTION: Knowledgeable instructors can participate in your content and social media marketing strategies, helping you generate traffic.

Add Instructors to Your LearnDash Without Any Worries

In spite of the many advantages, if you’re still on the backfoot on adding instructors to your LearnDash website – you have nothing to worry about. You can seamlessly add instructors, course creators, or teachers to LearnDash without compromising site security.

LearnDash’s WISDM Instructor Role extension takes care of:

  • Limiting instructor capabilities to course creation, management, and student evaluation
  • Assign more than instructor to a single course and creating a collaborative teaching platform
  • Giving instructors a dedicated LearnDash dashboard to manage tasks effectively
  • Prevents instructors from messing with any settings on your website by not giving them admin privileges
  • Letting instructors create and sell courses without admin dependency
  • Allowing you to seamlessly set commissions for instructors without the need of additional affiliate plugins
  • Giving you complete control of the content being created and published

Version 3.5.0 onward, WISDM Instructor Role includes a professional and customizable Instructor Profile page that can be used to share all the necessary information about instructors on your site. Instructors can use this space to add details such as their photo, bio, expertise, qualification, courses created, ratings, and so on.

Profile pages give instructors credibility and help them showcase their personality. The profile page can also be used to share contact information.

For any growing LearnDash business, Instructors can help you immensely grow at a much faster pace and build content that covers other areas of expertise. If you agree, go ahead and make the change, and tell us about it. If you don’t, let us know why. We’d like to hear your thoughts either way!

Read more:

  1. How to collaborate with subject-matter experts to improve LearnDash courses
  2. How multiple instructors can help you drive more business on your LearnDash LMS
Sharon Koshy

Sharon Koshy

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