LearnDash is primarily a Learning Management System.
But it doesn’t stop there. With every LearnDash add-on we release, we try to fill in those gaps between – LearnDash as an LMS and a full-fledged learning ecosystem.
As part of simplifying the course creation and management process, we recently released the Advanced Course Manager plugin.
To put it in short, this plugin eases your course creation woes. But don’t be fooled by this simplistic definition. The ACM is a functionality powerhouse. Right from tools like the visual course builder to the graphical display of course hierarchy, you’ve got advanced features built right in.
You’d have to explore the plugin to know all about it.
But this update is not about ACM. It’s about Front-end Course Creation. But the update is related to ACM.
Owing to the popularity garnered by ACM, we decided to pass on similar benefits to course authors using the Front-end Course Creation plugin on your website.
So, here’s what’s in store for you in the latest FCC update.
Front-end Course Creation for LearnDash – v2.1.4
Apart from compatibility with the latest version of LearnDash 2.5.2, the latest Front-end Course Creation version packs two completely new and important features:-
#1 Front-end Course Builder
That’s right.
You’ve got an all-new Visual Course Builder on the Front-end! *Yay!*
With the front-end course builder, course authors can create and manage course steps with ease. Add a new less/topic or quiz as part of the course or edit their order with simple drag and drop features.
This visual course builder can speed up the course creation process and is sure to impress your course authors with its ease of operation.
#2 Shared Course Steps
Here’s a feature that’s in line with the latest LearnDash update.
With FCC’s latest version, course authors can add a single course step (lesson/topic or quiz) to multiple courses.
The functionality that was available to you in the backend, has been brought to the front-end for the benefit of course authors.
With shared course steps, you can easily avoid content duplication when creating courses.
Just another solid reason to update the plugin (or buy it, if you haven’t already done so), wouldn’t you agree? 😀
Side note
We make constant efforts to incorporate features that would be of advantage to you and your entire course authoring team. And we would love to hear your feedback or any ideas you would have for the plugin.
Final Word
Updates are good!
Scratch that. Updates are great!
With every update, you’ve got your plugins getting better with more features and new *cough* *cough* less bugs.
Jokes apart, updates are needed to make sure you keep getting more benefits for the product you’ve purchased. And that’s why you need to head to your backend and update Front-end Course Creator right away; and enjoy these awesome new features that are in store for you!