
Front End Course Creation for LearnDash: Tutoring Made Easy


learndash-frontend-course-creationAdministering an e-learning website running LearnDash is an uphill battle. There could be a million details that require your attention, be it something as trivial as approving an assignment or a task as vital as publishing a new course.

It’s a given that when you consider large scale e-learning platforms, you have several individuals administering course contents. But not all of them can have Admin privileges: publishing rights or access to customization settings. It wouldn’t make sense.

It’s crucial for a LMS to have a role that lets a user author Courses and Lessons and also view detailed reports of learners enrolled in his Courses, but limits access to other content and Admin settings at the same time.

LearnDash by default has no such user role; which is why WisdmLabs came up with the Instructor Role Extension for LearnDash. It adds a user role of ‘Instructor’ to your LearnDash LMS.

An Instructor can author content from the back-end of your website i.e. create Courses, Lessons, Quizzes etc and sell them online. Additionally, he can also view detailed reports of all the user activity pertaining to his Courses, and earn commission on every sale.

But what if you want to completely restrict back-end access for an ‘Instructor’ and yet have him author Courses and other content? Sounds a little too far-fetched?

It’s real, and it’s happening.

Front End Course Creation Plugin

Front End Course Creation is yet another addition to our list of LearnDash utility products, and it lets you do exactly what it’s named after- allows courses to be created from the frontend.

Front-end Course Creation adds a ‘Course Author’ user role with a special set of privileges. A Course Author creates and manages Courses, Lessons, Topics and Quizzes just like an Instructor, but only from the front-end. He/she does not have backend access.

The FCC plugin automatically creates and adds Content Creation pages, such as ‘Create Course’, ‘Create Lesson’ or ‘Create Topic’, using which the Course Author can create his own content.


These pages have the same settings you would find in the backend. A Course Author has to be logged in to create course content.

To provide a single point of management, FCC has to be operated alongside BuddyPress. The plugin provides a quick link option named as ‘Listing’ right on the Course Author’s BuddyPress profile page, for easy course content creation and management.

Here’s what a Course Author’s profile page would look like:


Optionally, an Admin could link Content Creation pages from the main menu, to provide direct access to these pages.

Publishing can done in one of two ways: an Admin can choose to auto publish content created by Course Authors, or save it as a draft for reviewing and publishing manually.


Saving it as a draft would let the admin review the content, make any changes if required and publish it at their leisure.

It’s simple, useful and does exactly what it’s meant to: gives you control over the ins and outs of your website. No longer will you have to worry about unwary users accidentally changing the settings and customizations to your website, or having to set it right again and again.

Interested? Take a look at the complete feature list, user guide and the pricing right here.

Happy Publishing!

Let experts setup your LearnDash LMS

Picture of Rishabh


10 Responses

  1. Does FCC work with multisite where the author (user) can only create courses in sub-sites where they are a user with the necessary role. How exactly would it work in this scenario? It would be important for me that they would only be able to author in the specific sub-site they have the proper role.

  2. Hey Steve,
    As of now, FCC does not work with multisite installations. However, we do understand it’s an important bit of functionality that’s missing; we are working on it as we speak and plan to roll out the update introducing multisite support soon!
    Stay tuned!

    1. Thank you. Will each site within the multisite network be able to able to have its own Authors that can create content only for that specific site? That’s what’s going to be needed.

  3. Will FCC work with the main site of a multi-site network? I have a multisite but I would only need FCC to work on the main site.

  4. How would I make it so that users who are registering can choose between subscriber (student w/BuddyPress for LearnDash plugin) and Course Author during registration?

    1. Hi Joshua,

      FCC doesn’t not currently provide any such functionality. However, it is possible to run FCC along with another plugin that lets the user choose between two different registration forms, so that he can choose between registering as a Subscriber or a Course Author.

    2. Also, we’ll be happy to take a FCC customization request from you in case you do not find the functionality anywhere else. Do let us know!

  5. I bought the plugin, but it is not working. It is listed in the buddypress profile, but when i want to add a new course or edit anything, the only thing that happens is a reload of the site… What is the matter?

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