
How to Open up LearnDash courses to Fellow Trainers and Universities

Picture of Love Shah

Love Shah

“The sure way to miss success is to miss the opportunity”
– Victor Chasles

Imagine going beyond the ordinary boundaries of selling your LearnDash courses to individuals/students and discovering a new market avenue to increase your bank balance.

Sounds exciting, isn’t it?

Fortunately, in the eLearning space, you can easily use your LearnDash courses to turn your competition (fellow trainers and Universities) into a fruitful business opportunity


In this article, I’m going to tell you how to open up your LearnDash courses, capitalise on the opportunity and certainly take your LMS to greater heights of success.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Opening your LearnDash courses to others

You might be offering a certain course(s) on your LMS that your fellow trainer or Universities might not be offering.

If your course is related to the course they’re teaching, then that’s where your opportunity lies.

The course(s) you offer can be used as supporting material by other trainers, colleges or universities.

With this in mind, it doesn’t matter whether the trainer or the University is teaching online or taking physical classes. 

Either way, the ball is in your court.

Let’s understand this more clearly with an example:

Let’s say your fellow trainer or any teacher for that matter teaches Violin and you’re offering a course on the Basics of music.

Now, the violin trainer will definitely want his students to first learn the basics of music rather than having them jump the line. The violin teacher will then sign up his students to your course instead of creating the course himself. 

This is where your course will be needed as supporting material for the course offered by the Violin teacher.

This is how you can open up your LearnDash courses to others and capitalise on this opportunity to increase your revenue.

At this point, you probably have tons of questions looming on your mind. But, allow me to throw some light on this opportunity and I’m sure, it’ll put your doubts to rest.

What’s in it for trainers, schools or universities?

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This seems to be an obvious concern. Well, allow me to enlighten you 🙂

  • Offering your courses as supporting material will allow your fellow trainers and universities to increase their offerings in terms of courses and value to their students.
  • Instead of creating their own course, the trainers and universities will save up on a lot of time by using and taking benefits from the courses that’s already available.
  • This will allow them to become re-sellers and distribute your courses to their students.
  • Plus, they don’t have to worry about managing another course since you’d be doing that for them.

Now that you know how your competitors will benefit from your supporting courses, let’s take a look at how you can increase your revenue with this strategy.

How will you benefit from this?

While this strategy may not seem simple but let me assure you it is quite effective in terms of increasing your student base, building relationships and ultimately increasing sales.


It’s all about going the extra mile to ensure your LMS stands apart from the rest.

Here’s some of the benefits you stand to gain:

  • It gives you an opportunity to increase your reach by tapping into a new pool of students and creating ancillary courses to popular courses out there.
  • You can also reach out to different institutions and partner with them leading to increase in sales of your courses and establishing new business relationships.
  • Most importantly, you can directly target groups instead of individuals by reaching out to educators and increasing your customer base.

That’s not it, there’s more….

What’s more exciting!

Imagine McDonalds serving burgers without fries!

Daaamn….The imagination itself must’ve ruined your eating experience, didn’t it?

Similarly, it is your responsibility to provide your users with a great and a smooth user experience no matter what line of business you’re in because in the end, the user experience will give you an edge over your competitors and will most certainly define you.

With that being said, you can up your game and provide a good user experience to such trainers and universities, using WISDM Group Registration plugin for LearnDash that will make things much simpler for your clients.

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The trainers or Universities will be able to purchase your course on behalf of their students and can enroll them in bulk into your courses thereby, saving them the hassle of signing up each student separately.

What’s even better is that they can become the Group Leaders and view the progress of their students to ensure that they’re on the right track.

This also gives you an opportunity to sell more courses by adding multiple seats/licenses of your courses. 

While you’re at it, feel free to check out the other benefits of LDGR plugin and see how it can help your LearnDash LMS.

Seizing the opportunity

Opening up your LearnDash courses to your fellow trainers and Universities now doesn’t seem like a bad idea, does it?

Having said that, it’s time to cross that boundary, expand your horizon, explore and take advantage of the existing business opportunity to increase your revenue and take your LearnDash LMS to new heights of success.

In case, you have any queries or doubts, feel free to let me know in the comments section. I’ll try my best to answer them 🙂

Picture of Love Shah

Love Shah

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