
Should LMS Customizations Be Avoided?

Picture of Nitansha Tanwar

Nitansha Tanwar

The need for LearnDash customization is an unavoidable issue as you expand your LMS business. You will need to improve your students’ learning experiences, which is where having access to a good LMS customization tool comes in handy. The competition is fierce, and branding and showcasing one’s uniqueness is critical.

Even though many benefits come with having an LMS customization tool there is still a need for you to be aware of the information discussed in this article. By the end of this guide, you will have learned the following;

– Some popular LMS customization tools for improving learning outcomes in the industry.
– The pros and cons of customizing your LMS.
– Examples and Benefits of LMS customization to the Industry.
– The cost of integrating and customizing your LMS.
– Lot’s more…

If you are ready to grab these secret tips, then let’s get started…

Some popular LMS customization tools for improving learning outcomes in the industry

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Some popular tools can help you transform your LMS site into a top-notch e-Learning platform. These tools or plugins transform your e-Learning site from being dumb to being smart and optimized for learning and effective branding. Discussed below are some of the tools that will help you ace the customization of your LMS site, some of these customization tools have free versions, whereas the others are not.

Role Assignment Plugins
This kind of plugin helps you transform your little e-Learning business into an organizational style. It will help you customize your LMS site by allowing you to set up course Instructors who can create, manage, and sell courses for you, without sharing admin privileges.

With this sort of customization plugin, you don’t need to bite your fingers to pay them for their services. They will earn commissions for each course they sell. With this kind of LMS customization tool, you can assign student management responsibilities to your course instructors and be relieved of the hassle of managing the entire business on your own.

Ratings, Reviews, and Feedback Plugin
These are the credibility booster plugin that lets you customize your LearnDash site to display ratings, reviews, and feedback you get from your students. If you want your prospective students to believe you, and enroll in your courses, then this set of plugins is for you.

By enabling ratings, reviews, and feedback systems for all your courses, you will have full control over the display of ratings and reviews on your site. You will be able to set custom templates and make your courses better with student feedback.

Analysis and Reporting Plugin
This is yet another powerful plugin that will energize your e-Learning business. With this sort of customization tool integrated into your LMS, massive improvements will be seen in the learning experience of your students. You will get details on course engagement, learner performance, student progress, and compare learning behavior with comprehensive graphical reports on your Dashboard.

The e-Learning Themes
These are custom themes built for the enjoyment of your students. They are developed with the intent of improving their learning experience. This sort of theme such as the eLumine theme embodies a customization power that speaks volumes on both the learning experience for students and brand promotion for the company.

With these themes, you won’t need to struggle anymore with the tedious page builders and boring WordPress themes. Your students will be grateful to you for providing them with an exceptional learning experience.

All-In-One Configurable Plugins
These are super pack customization plugin that combines all the essential packages that will help you transform your LMS site with just a click. Without getting to install packages one after the other, you will have a collection of essential tools that will let you customize your LMS platform at a cost-effective price. For example, the WISDM LEAP plugin provides you with this sort of advantage. This multi-add-on pack contains;

These five must-have LearnDash customization tools are coupled together in one neat little package at an unbelievable price!

Next, let’s look at the benefits that customizations bring, why they are important to use, and also the problems they cause by looking at customization pros and cons.

The Pros and Cons of Customizing your LMS

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The off-the-shelf LearnDash provides you with the essential features to kick-start your e-Learning business, but…

It has some limitations that will not allow your business to grow beyond a certain level. To convince you the more, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of customizing your LearnDash LMS.

Specific to your needs: Pros
LMS customization tools allow you to tailor your courses to your specific requirements. This enables you to customize modules and contents to your course’s objectives, as well as more easily update the content as needed. It also allows for the creation of branded content and courses.

High cost: Con
Purchasing a dedicated plugin tool is unquestionably better for creating high-quality content; however, the cost can sometimes become a burden for a startup or struggling e-Learning business. Regardless of your budget, purchasing a custom-made tool will usually provide you with the most satisfaction due to the numerous features it offers.

License ownership: Pros
You typically own the license outright when you publish content on your customized LMS. As a result, this may be easier to manage in the long run than off-the-shelf content. Customizing your courses also ensures that you retain ownership of them.

Initial Setup Difficulties: Con
Unlike the off-the-shelf LMS plugin tools, dedicated customization tools usually require a little more research to properly integrate and operate. Time investment is needed to learn and understand how to use a custom tool, meanwhile, the usage of the default customization plugins is straightforward.

Can cover any topic efficiently: Pros
You don’t have to bite your fingers hoping for the best or spend hours researching and comparing options. You can be confident that your customized content will cover any topics you require.

Less Community Backup: Con
Because a custom-made plugin is usually developed and maintained by one entity or company it usually has less awareness and community support. On the other hand, because the default and off-the-shelf customization tools are free, they attract a lot of backing from the online community.

Examples and Benefits of LMS customization to the Industry

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To make a good decision whether to choose a customization tool or not, It’s vital to know how LMS customization tools have solved problems in the e-Learning industry so far. Let’s take look at some example use-cases in the industry.

Learners Personalized Learning
Customization on an LMS includes several features, such as a custom dashboard that allows you to personalize the learning experience for each learner, which is especially useful in a corporate setting. You can either design a custom dashboard for each of your employees based on their role in your organization.

You can also ask your LMS vendor to provide a variety of pre-built visual elements from which the learner can select and display on their dashboard. These customized role-based dashboards are now assisting businesses in effectively training their employees.

Learners Advancement and Performance Tracker
A customized LMS, in addition to providing flexibility, simplifies the process of changing and organizing content on your platform. You can set specific goals and easily track your students’ progress. Also, you can easily set specific performance milestones for each employee with a fully customized LMS. This allows you to keep track of their progress and ensure they’re on the right track.

Better Content Organization
Managing multiple systems or processes at the same time can be a daunting task for organizations.

A customized LMS provides a centralized learning platform that allows you to store and retrieve various eLearning resources, training materials, assessments, and so on. Simply put, having a customized LMS eliminates the need for your learners’ training needs to be met by multiple disparate systems.

It provides a single, unified, and fully customizable platform for easily and efficiently storing and organizing all of your eLearning materials. This allows both learners and trainers to easily access everything they need and collaborate online to achieve better learning outcomes.

Generating Detailed Training Report
A customized LMS is a great tool for generating statistical reports that show how each employee is progressing through the training.

Organizations require detailed reports and various other statistics about the learners to understand the impact and effectiveness of a training program.

These detailed reports provide enough information about aspects such as the type of content that is effective for individual learners and whether the training is meeting its objectives.

Allows for total control over LMS features
A customized LMS allows you to create powerful courses with various features that are central to your specific training requirements. Each segment of the LMS functionality can be mapped to different job roles, departments, or specific training needs within the organization.

You can also customize the look, fonts, logos, and images to best match the branding of your company. Or you can include interactive videos, games, and a variety of real-world examples to keep your learners engaged.

The Cost of Integrating and Customizing your LMS

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Dedicated LMS customization plugins are not always completely free. Because so much effort is put into development, developers or companies will almost always seek to profit from their products. While paying for a dedicated LMS customization tool is unavoidable, some products provide a free version with limited features.

Furthermore, the cost varies from one LMS to the next, and the quality and features provided by that tool, as well as the popularity of the LMS, have a significant impact on the price of a customization tool.

Finally, the pricing of an LMS customization tool can change in your favor if it is packaged together in a bundle, as seen with the WISDM LearnDash Essential Add-On Pack.

We’ve come to the end of this guide, and we hope it’s helped you better understand LMS customization. We’d love to see you decide to personalize your LMS.


We have seen from this article why LMS customization is important and how it enhances the growth of your e-Learning business. We also discussed some popular customization tools that improve the learning experiences of students. Many benefits of using a customization LMS tool were also highlighted and we saw the pros and cons of using Off-the-shelf customization tools versus the custom-built.

This guide showed that the default LMS customization features are no match for the super-powered features that come with installing a dedicated one such as the WISDM LEAP bundle. Although we know that PAID customization tools could be expensive, however, the benefit and productivity that it provides outweigh the cost.

Picture of Nitansha Tanwar

Nitansha Tanwar

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