
PEP + Salesforce: Simplifying Lead Capture and Management on WooCommerce



Customers checking out online stores, often, feel a lack of human connection. It all becomes mechanical and boring to them when interfaces are bland or tedious. What they want, however, is an experience like offline shopping stores provide- an easy way to communicate with you and help them find products they’re looking for.

This seemingly simple communication gap can end potential leads for you. Leads falling off the radar because of poor communication systems or lack of them is a direct loss. Similarly, a lack of information about a lead can limit the possibility of a conversion.

Lead management is the heart and soul of any business. That’s where actual opportunities are created. Proper lead management will not only help you get more leads but also convert the ones you have. You should invest in tracking leads from all channels in your store, and analyze lead behavior to have an impact on conversions.

Connect with your customers- like in an offline store

You have to make it easy for customers to reach you through every channel possible. For example, a comprehensive inquiry system like Product Enquiry Pro on your WooCommerce store can allow leads to get to know more about your product or solution. It solves the human-connection problem for your e-store.

An unintrusive inquiry plugin encourages the laziest of visitors to send their queries, making it easy for you to capture lead information.

Manage leads captured, with ease

Once you have made the process of inquiry comfortable, that’s where lead management comes in. Most businesses prefer using a software platform so that no lead goes unnoticed or unaddressed. Manually tracking and managing leads may give way to half-hearted attempts at sales and missing out on details. A structured and well-maintained lead management system ensures a lead doesn’t fall through the cracks.

CRM or Customer Relationship Management software does the job of gathering, tracking, and managing leads. It lets you gather more leads, close more deals, and grow your business faster.

Sophisticated CRM software is available to help your business with operations of contact management, lead management, sales forecasting, and workflow planning. However, it wouldn’t be unwise to call Salesforce the most sought-after CRM software available.

Salesforce CRM is a top-choice for businesses around the world as it has been able to evolve with changing times and come up with exciting features like an intelligent AI built into the CRM system that gives you accurate opportunity insights and account insights.

With Salesforce, you can actively track and manage customer information. You also get quick insights and recommendations that are based on updated customer information like their recent web visits, social media posts, etc.

Integrating lead capture and lead management

To make lead capture and management as seamless as possible on your WooCommerce store, an ideal scenario would be to integrate lead generation tools with your CRM. In this case, it would be to integrate Product Enquiry Pro with Salesforce.

The leads that show up through Product Enquiry Pro can now be ingested into your Salesforce CRM. This ensures you never lose track of your lead.

This setup, of a responsive inquiry system and a CRM software, brings you closer to understanding the behavior of your lead so that you can quickly identify and predict the buyer’s journey.

Manage leads for your WooCommerce store with Dual Power

With the integration of Product Enquiry Pro and Salesforce CRM, there is strengthened lead management. You can give due importance to every visitor and can minutely track and manage the lead.

When a visitor fills up a form on your WooCommerce site, the data is sent to your Salesforce account and a lead is registered at Salesforce. The lead can be monitored and tracked, helping you convert it into a sale. You can immediately start getting stats about the customer too, like social media activities or more.

The integration can be set up as a seamless extension. All you will then need to do is use your Salesforce ID and map the enquiry form with Salesforce.

SIDE-NOTE: Going Beyond Enquiries

Having the potential to manage leads in Salesforce can be of great advantage to you and your marketing efforts. But a powerful platform like Salesforce can be used for a lot more. The scope of this very extension can be widened to integrate other information like your product and order data with Salesforce. Since we’ll have the integration setup, we can use the same path to integrate WooCommerce data with custom Salesforce objects. 🙂

Don’t let your leads get overlooked

An efficient inquiry system clubbed with a capable CRM software will give you the right control over your leads. You can extract the maximum value out of available resources, hit the right notes and serve your customers better. Product Enquiry Pro is the tool to immediately get back to the queries of your customers and Salesforce integration strengthens the possibility of a conversion.

If you’re looking to power your WooCommerce store with this solution or have any questions, please drop in your comments. Looking forward to hearing your success stories!

Picture of Shardul


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