
Use the Duplicate Post plugin to Quickly Clone Posts or Pages

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When creating pages, which are different in content but similar in structure, you feel the need for a simple way to just duplicate the post and edit the content. Most of the times, the meta fields are also the same, with minor changes. In such cases, the WordPress plugin, Duplicate Post comes to your aid.

The Duplicate Post plugin, allows you to easily create a copy of a post, page or custom post type. Upon installing and activating the plugin, a settings option is available in the Settings-> Duplicate Post menu option in the admin dashboard.

Duplicate Post Settings

The default settings can be left as is, or can be updated as per your preferences.


How does the Duplicate Post plugin work?

The Duplicate Post plugin provides you an option for one-click duplication, right in the posts or pages list. Upon clicking the ‘Clone’ option, a duplicate post will be created and saved as a draft.

Create Post Clone As Draft


There are three other options available to duplicate the post/page. A ‘New Draft’ link provided in the posts or pages list, or a link to ‘Copy to a new draft’ available in the post edit page, both create a duplicate draft of the post and open it in the edit mode. Additionally, the ‘Copy to a new draft’ option is available the admin bar, under the ‘Edit Post/Page’ menu.

  • By default all post meta data information is copied for the new post. The post title, author information and excerpt are also duplicated as is. You can change these options from the plugin settings page.

  • There are options to copy the post status and post date also. But I would recommend not selecting the copy post status option. A post/page by default is duplicated as a draft. If you copy the post status, the duplicate post will be published automatically. Agreed that in some cases this might be needed, but it’s better not to set it as the default option.

  • The comments are not copied. The attachments can be copied if the option is selected in the settings.

  • A prefix or suffix can be added to the duplicate post title to differentiate between the original and the copy.


These simple to use settings make this plugin very convenient to use, especially when creating a several posts or pages with the same layout, or for testing purposes.

Picture of Namrata


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