
Important Notice: Removal of Plugins from WordPress Repository

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Ever since WisdmLabs’ inception, we’ve had a focus on building plugins. Our initial few plugins were quite popular on the WordPress repository. But over the past few years, we’ve not been able to pay due attention to them. Owing to this, the plugins haven’t been updated much to our discontent.

We debated quite a bit, went back and forth, but finally had to take a tough call. We’ve decided to discontinue our initial few plugins and take them off the repository.

Some Plugins will be Pulled Down

From the first few plugins submitted to a couple of recent ones, we’ll be removing the following plugins from

  1. Business Card
  2. Front-end Help or Feedback Widget
  3. WordPress Editor Lock
  4. WordPress Password Expiry
  5. ZWoom – WooCommerce Product Image Zoom
  6. Customer Specific Pricing Lite for WooCommerce

Since these plugins have not been updated, they have seen a considerable fall in downloads too; as expected. And while they might be unique in operation, it’s best not to use plugins that haven’t been tested with the latest version of WordPress.

Next Steps

If you’re a user of any of these plugins – a sincere thanks to you for downloading it and supporting us. This decision has been difficult, but it’s one we had to take. We wanted to take this step at the earliest to keep the impact to a minimum. We hope you accept our regret and take this in good spirit. We highly encourage you to choose a similar alternative to our current plugin you’re using.

If you are a WordPress developer who is interested in maintaining any of these plugins, you can reach out to us and we’d be happy to share the code with you and take you through the handover process.

If you have any questions, reach out to us or write to us in the comments section below. Thank you.


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