
Features for a Restaurant Directory Website in WordPress II


restaurant-directory-website-blog-imageIn the previous article on how to create a restaurant directory website in WordPress we covered some Must Have Features for Your Restaurant Directory website. These are the basic features that all restaurant directories must incorporate into their design in order to reach the end goal of increasing website viewership. However, if the figures you have managed to reach with the must have features are not convincing you can take the numbers a notch higher. And, taking the numbers a notch higher would involve extending the features of your website. You ask why? Well, it’s simple! If your restaurant directory website is an aggregation of some of the best functionalities then users have a good reason to keep coming back right? So without any further ado let’s dive into the features that will sure prove to be the icing for your restaurant directory website.

Good to Have Features for Your Restaurant Directory Website

1. Maps


  • Initially I was confused of the importance of this feature in a restaurant directory website. While, this feature is a borderline must have feature I have decided to finally settle to have it in the list of good to have features.
  • A map would primarily provide the user with the restaurant location on a google map thus aiding the user’s restaurant search process.
  • Below is an example of Google maps on our WisdmLabs website. This should provide you with the graphical view your are yearning for.




Example of Google Map on Wisdmlabs Website

2. Custom Field Option


  • Well this is a feature that has more to do with the website admin than with the end user i.e. the visitor.
  • This feature would allow the admin to add custom fields to the restaurant portfolio page. Including such a feature gives the admin room to experiment with data and find out what’s clicking with the audience.




3. Photo Upload Option


  • Images are one aspect of a website that the audience can relate to universally and this would remain irrespective of the kind of website.
  • You tell a visitor why your restaurant is good in 100 words and it will be effective but show a visitor the great ambience you provide using photographs along with some food images and they are convinced. You get the difference?






4. Filter Listings


  • There could be a hundred thousand restaurants listed in your website directory. And that sure is good! But, if a user is not able to find a restaurant of his choice he’ll get frustrated sooner or later and leave.
  • So, if there is one feature that is directly related to an evolving directory,  it sure is the filter option for your listings.
  • Filtering could be based on various attributes such as cuisine, location, cost, ambience etc.



5. Bulk Import & Export from CSV File


  • If you think you are going to be the one adding a majority of the listings to the directory then this feature would be good to have. You don’t want to find yourself spending resources on entering each listing manually right?
  • This feature will allow you to amalgamate all listings in a CSV file which we know better as an excel sheet and import it into the directory. It will also allow you to export all your listings from the website into a CSV file.



6. Functionality to Add Locations


  • This is a feature solely based on the geographical expanse your restaurant directory website will be covering.
  • While you might start out a restaurant directory website with just one location in mind there is a chance you might want to keep growing the directory in terms of restaurant locations.
  • A feature to add locations is good to have as it gives you the room for future expansion. Also, adding this feature at a later point of time could prove costly for you. So, it would be good to have this from the word go!




7. Multilingual Website


  • With a feature to add locations to your website the next logical feature to have would be to have a multilingual website.
  • While English ha now become universal, users would still appreciate to see your website in their native language. It forms a sense of connect and caters to  a larger audience too. Hence, this one sure does qualify to be a good to have feature.



8. Related Listings


  • A relatively small feature as compared to the others, related listings enhances a user’s overall experience on your website. It is a feature that will add to the user’s experience without the user even noticing it.
  • While minuscule this is definitely a good to have feature as the user gets what he is looking for without actually having to search for it. Who wouldn’t like that right?



9. Reserved Ad Space


  • A space reserved for advertisements will not add much to the basic intent of a restaurant directory website. Nonetheless, it can be a major revenue generator for you while highlighting a restaurant that wants to be highlighted. Inclusion of this feature would thus be a good move.
  • Along with ad space custom banner templates should also be included to make the process of putting up adverts on the website simple!


10. Social Media Sharing Option


  • An option to share listings on various social networking sites like facebook would be great to include as it is the classic case of ‘killing two birds with one stone’. You ask how? Well each time a listing is shared you have managed to advertise a restaurant as well as your website.
  • Additionally, it helps end users get restaurant information without having to actually visit your website. All in all, it’s a win-win situation for all the people concerned.

That’s it from my end on the restaurant directory website front. Rest assured, a site with an amalgamation at least 75% of these features should cater to most of the needs of the various users – i.e website admins, restaurant owners and end users. The key here would be to constantly focus on the audience you will be catering to and understanding the requirements. Once you have this figured out you should be able to pick out the best features for your website.

If there are any additional features that you feel would add value to the restaurant directory website feel free to share using the comments section.



Picture of Tahseen Kazi

Tahseen Kazi

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