
Power Up Your LearnDash LMS with the Right Reporting Tool

    Nitansha Tanwar
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Want to know what learners and instructors are doing on your LMS?
Do you wish you could just get some extra features to make the job easier?
Do you feel the need to improve the learning experience but don’t have enough data that could help you?

Then, you’re at the right place!

We understand that running an eLearning website is not an easy task especially when you’re managing everything on your own. It becomes even more difficult if you don’t have enough data to keep a check let alone analyze different learner activities.

So, it only makes sense if you need help in understanding how the learners are progressing and engaging with the learning content.

That’s why having a reporting module is so important for a comprehensive view of your platform. It can help you track the progress of learners, analyze the learning trends, and even let you monitor the performance of the instructors or leaders and the courses created by them.

In this article, we’ll be explaining how reporting can gear up and help you get a much better understanding of your LMS. We’ll be discussing why Reports for LearnDash by WisdmLabs is the best tool, how it can amplify online learning, and how you can get it.

So keep reading to find out and let’s dive in…

Use Reports for a Dynamic Experience

Do you feel like some more insights could help you improve the entire learning experience?

Well, LMS reports can not only give you the data and insights you need but also make it easier to read what the data indicates.

Top reasons how reporting can amplify eLearning

  • Track learners by monitoring their behavior and comparing the performance
  • Get the essence of how your content is performing and optimize it as per the needs
  • Keep your learner updated, share the progress and help them decide what to do next.

Now that we’ve understood how reporting lets you understand what’s going on your LMS, find out what needs fixing, and what you can do to improve, let’s look at how Reports for LearnDash can help you gear up!

Why Reports for LearnDash is the Best Fit?

Two thumbs

Dedicated Dashboards for User Specific Reports

Reports for LearnDash makes data easy to view as it comes with a personalized dashboard for different user roles. For example, you get a personalized view if you login as an instructor, admin or a group leader. So reports are displayed as per the user who is viewing them.

It’s beneficial because user-wise filtering of reports allows instructors, admins, and group leaders to have their own dashboards with access to their particular courses, quizzes, and their insights so that they can quickly get the data that they require without having to hunt for it in different places. 

So, users get:

  • Personal dashboards to avoid the hassle.
  • All important reports in one view to save time.

Filters to Get Drilled Down Data

Basic reporting comes with basic filters but being able to generate reports for a specific course, quiz, and even question category can help you find out all the nitty gritty details. You can even select a specific date, topic, or course category and look for as many details as you like.

Using reports for LearnDash, Instructors can get data specific to their needs. Drilling down reports to get detailed information can help point out the knowledge gaps as well identify how the learners are performing, where they need help, and what they can do next to improve their performance.

 A reporting tool like this can assist you with:

  • Filtered reports: To check for completion rates by selecting a specific course, quiz, lesson or even learner.
  • Highly detailed information: To Look at how much time the learner is spending on a course, quiz, or topic along with the pass/fail rates.

Visually Appealing Reports to Retain Information

Did you know that if a scientific claim is presented in pure words or numbers, 68% of people will believe that the information is accurate and truthful. But if you put a simple graph with it, the number rises to 97%.

That’s why the plugin pays so much attention to the visual aspect of data. It presents data in a way that the brain can process quickly and also comes with an impressive user interface so that it’s easy to navigate through all the information.

Instructors can also customize the view and add reports for as many courses they like. Making it easy to not only gather the information but also to understand what it means. 

Additionally, graphical reports in LearnDash can offer all the information you need to infer draw conclusions that would otherwise take you some time to understand. 

For example, information presented in tabular format can take time to understand as you’ll have to look at each data cell but an easy-to-view style like pie charts or bar graphs, etc. can help your brain digest and retain the information as opposed to just numbers on a spreadsheet.

Reports with Insightful Trends to Monitor Activities

Generating reports that include all the information to draw out conclusions is paramount but following the learning trends to understand the engagement level is just as important.

Using LearnDash reports, you can get a better grasp of where your learners are in their journey. You can follow the progress of a particular group of learners with the help of a groupwise report for a certain course, topic or lesson.

What’s more is that insights can help you discover the trends quickly. For example, with help of course completion reports, Instructors can check the average time spent by the learners on a particular course. This data can help them identify their top performing students and also the ones that need more attention.

Time to get those Awesome reports!

If you’re wondering how to get your hands on a reporting system to generate those awesome reports then wait no more, because WisdmLabs can help you set up reports for LearnDash pretty easily. You can easily download Reports for LearnDash for free or buy from our official website and read more on how it works.

Do you need help with your LearnDash LMS? How about giving us a call? 

Reports in 2022: What’s Next?

We hope that by now you understand how you can take full advantage of a robust reporting system and turn your LMS up a notch. So, why don’t you try this awesome new plugin for FREE – and see for yourself.

And you know what’s more? Along with everything that Reports for LearnDash has to offer we also have some new features lined up! Be on the lookout for some more insightful data that can help you take relevant actions from the numbers that you see.

So, stay tuned for them and feel free to comment below with all your queries.


Nitansha Tanwar

Nitansha Tanwar

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