
Comprehensive Guide to Adding WooCommerce Custom Product Fields

Illustration showing a girl working on a screen which is maginified to show WooCommerce custom fields.
Comprehensive Guide to Adding WooCommerce Custom Product Fields 1

Have you ever browsed through Etsy or eBay? These platforms feel like a treasure hunt, filled with unique finds. 

Picture a handmade necklace on Etsy. The product page doesn’t stop at describing its appearance. It details the artisan’s craft, the materials used, and offers personalization options like engraving your initials.

Then there’s eBay, where vintage collectibles display their history. Each custom field reveals important details like the year it was made or its condition. These fields help buyers make informed decisions, turning a simple product page into a comprehensive guide.

Now, think about your own WooCommerce store. Adding WooCommerce custom product fields can do the same for you. They allow you to provide detailed information that enhances the shopping experience. 

This guide will show you how to add these custom product fields, making your products stand out and connect with customers.

Need assistance with the setup?

Our team of WooCommerce customisation experts is ready to help, ensuring your store meets the expectations of every shopper.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are custom product fields?
  3. How You Can Bring Your Products to Life with WooCommerce Custom Fields
  4. Exploring Methods to Add WooCommerce Custom Fields
  5. Method 1: Using WooCommerce Built-in Custom Product Fields
  6. Method 2: Custom Coding
  7. Using Multi-Select Fields in WooCommerce
  8. Adding Custom Settings to Product Tabs
  9. Method 3: Custom Plugins
  10. Wrapping Up

What are custom product fields?

Custom product fields are extra details you can add to your product listings in WooCommerce. Think of them as additional spaces to share specific information beyond the basics like name, price, and description. These fields might include anything from product specifications and care instructions to personalization options and unique features.

How You Can Bring Your Products to Life with WooCommerce Custom Fields

Adding custom product fields to your WooCommerce store helps you share extra details and paint a fuller picture of what each product offers. This way, customers know exactly what they’re getting, building trust and making them feel good about their choices.

WooCommerce custom fields also work behind the scenes to boost your SEO. They sneak in extra keywords that help your products pop up in search results, drawing more eyes to your store. Plus, when customers see everything they need right there on the product page, they’re less likely to have doubts or ask questions, which can lead to more sales.

And let’s not forget about standing out. In a sea of sameness, WooCommerce custom fields highlight what makes your products unique. They help you show off those special features that set you apart, making your store the go-to place for shoppers looking for something a little different.

Exploring Methods to Add WooCommerce Custom Fields

When it comes to adding custom product fields in WooCommerce, there are three main methods to consider:

  1. Built-in WooCommerce Options: These provide basic field types but have some limitations.
  2. Custom Coding: This method gives you complete control, allowing you to add complex fields with tailored functionalities.
  3. Plugins: If you prefer not to code, plugins offer an easy and flexible way to add custom fields.

We’ll go through each method step-by-step so you can decide which one works best for your store.

Method 1: Using WooCommerce Built-in Custom Product Fields

Let me walk you through how I used WooCommerce’s built-in custom product fields for my own online store.

I run a boutique store specializing in handmade furniture, and I wanted to provide additional details for each piece. For instance, customers browsing a handcrafted oak dining table might want to know about the type of finish, the wood’s origin, or the care instructions.

With WooCommerce’s built-in custom product fields, I started by adding basic field types like text, number, and select. This allowed me to include simple information such as dimensions, weight, and color options.

Here’s how I set it up:

  1. Adding Basic Fields: For each product, I used the built-in options to add text fields for the table dimensions and a select field for finish options, like matte or gloss.
  2. Providing Essential Details: I added a number field to specify the number of items available in stock, ensuring customers could see real-time availability.

However, I quickly realized that while these fields covered the essentials, they weren’t flexible enough for everything I needed. Here’s what I discovered:

  • Limited Field Types: While great for basic information, the built-in fields didn’t allow me to add more complex data types or styles, which is crucial for a product that needs detailed descriptions.
  • Lack of Conditional Logic: I wanted to show specific care instructions only if a particular finish was selected. Unfortunately, the built-in fields didn’t support this kind of conditional logic, which meant I couldn’t tailor the product display based on customer selections.
  • Basic Validation Only: Validation options were minimal, meaning I couldn’t enforce specific formats for data entry, like ensuring certain numeric values or string patterns.

Method 2: Custom Coding

When I set out to customize my WooCommerce store, I wanted something more than the standard fields. I wanted each product to tell its story right on the product page. Here’s how I did it with some custom coding magic.

Step 1: Add Settings to the Product Data Page

First, you need to hook into WooCommerce to add custom fields to the product data page. This sets up the interface where you can input additional product information.

  1. Hook into WooCommerce: Use the woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data hook to insert custom fields into the product data section.

global $post;
if ( $post->post_type !== 'product' ) {

$custom_fields = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_custom_fields', true );
<div id="custom-fields-container">
    <h3>Custom Fields</h3>
    <table id="custom-fields-table" class="form-table">
            <?php if ( !empty( $custom_fields ) ) : ?>
                <?php foreach ( $custom_fields as $field ) : ?>
                    <tr class="custom-field-row">
                        <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_label[]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $field['label'] ); ?>" /></td>
                            <select name="custom_field_type[]">
                                <option value="text" <?php selected( $field['type'], 'text' ); ?>>Text</option>
                                <option value="textarea" <?php selected( $field['type'], 'textarea' ); ?>>Textarea</option>
                                <option value="number" <?php selected( $field['type'], 'number' ); ?>>Number</option>
                                <option value="radio" <?php selected( $field['type'], 'radio' ); ?>>Radio</option>
                        <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_value[]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $field['value'] ); ?>" /></td>
                        <td><button type="button" class="remove-field">Remove</button></td>
                <?php endforeach; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
    <button type="button" id="add-custom-field" class="button">Add Custom Field</button>

Step 2: Add or Edit Products

Screenshot showing step two of adding WooCommerce custom fields. Here it is detailed how to add or edit products in WooCommerce store.

Once the custom product fields are hooked into WooCommerce, you can add or edit products to use these new fields.

  1. Go to Product: Navigate to your WooCommerce products list.
  2. Click “Add” or “Edit”: Select an existing product to edit or click “Add New” to create a new product. Under “Product Data,” your custom fields will now be visible. Here, you can fill in the custom fields you set up in the previous step.

Step 3: Add JavaScript for Dynamic Fields

To dynamically add new fields without editing the PHP code every time, you can use JavaScript.

  1. Enqueue JavaScript: Use the admin_enqueue_scripts hook to load a JavaScript file in the WordPress admin area to manage dynamic field addition and removal.

function custom_enqueue_admin_scripts($hook) {
   if ($hook !== 'post.php' && $hook !== 'post-new.php') {
   if ('product' !== get_post_type()) {
   wp_enqueue_script('custom-product-fields', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom-dynamic-fields.js', array('jquery'), filemtime(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/js/custom-dynamic-fields.js'), true);

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_enqueue_admin_scripts');

2. JavaScript for Dynamic Fields: Use JavaScript to allow dynamic addition and removal of fields.

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

       placeholder: "Select products",
       width: '100%'

   $('#add-custom-field').on('click', function() {
       var newRow = `
           <tr class="custom-field-row">
               <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_label[]" /></td>
                   <select name="custom_field_type[]" id="custom-field-value-type">
                       <option value="text">Text</option>
                       <option value="textarea">Textarea</option>
                       <option value="number">Number</option>
                       <option value="radio">Radio</option>
               <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_value[]" /></td>
               <td><button type="button" class="remove-field button">Remove</button></td>
       $('#custom-fields-table tbody').append(newRow);

   // Function to remove a row from the table
   $(document).on('click', '.remove-field', function() {


Screenshot of Step 3 of creating WooCommerce custom product fields through the method of custom coding.

Step 4: Adding Client-Side Validations

After setting up your custom product fields, it’s important to ensure that the data entered by users is valid. This helps maintain data integrity and prevents errors down the line. Here’s how to add client-side validation using JavaScript:

  1. Add Validation Logic: We’ll include some JavaScript code to check that the input values match the expected types before the form is submitted.
  2. JavaScript Code: Add the following code to your custom-dynamic-fields.js file. This script checks each field’s value against its type and alerts the user if there’s a mismatch.

$('#post').on('submit', function(event) {
   var isValid = true;
   var errorMessages = [];
   $('#custom-fields-table tbody tr').each(function() {
       var $row = $(this);
       var type = $row.find('select[name="custom_field_type[]"]').val();
       var value = $row.find('input[name="custom_field_value[]"]').val() || $row.find('textarea[name="custom_field_value[]"]').val();
       var label = $row.find('input[name="custom_field_label[]"]').val();

       // Validation
       if (type === 'number' && isNaN(value)) {
           isValid = false;
           errorMessages.push('The value for the custom field "' + label + '" should be a number.');
       if (type === 'textarea' && typeof value !== 'string') {
           isValid = false;
           errorMessages.push('The value for the custom field "' + label + '" should be a valid string.');

   // Display error messages if invalid
   if (!isValid) {
       alert('Please correct the following errors:\n\n' + errorMessages.join('\n'));

Step 5: Save the Custom Product Field Data

Now that we’ve ensured valid data entry, the next step is to save this data so it persists when you update a product. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Hook into WooCommerce: We need to use the woocommerce_process_product_meta hook to save the custom fields’ data whenever a product is updated.
  2. PHP Code: Place the following code in your theme’s functions.php file. This code retrieves the custom field values from the form submission and saves them to the product’s meta data.

if (!isset($_POST['custom_field_label']) || !isset($_POST['custom_field_type']) || !isset($_POST['custom_field_value'])) {

   $custom_fields = array();
   $labels = $_POST['custom_field_label'];
   $types = $_POST['custom_field_type'];
   $values = $_POST['custom_field_value'];

   foreach ($labels as $index => $label) {
       $label = sanitize_text_field($label);
       $type = sanitize_text_field($types[$index]);
       $value = sanitize_text_field($values[$index]);

       if ($type === 'number') {
           // Validate if the value is a valid number
           if (!is_numeric($value)) {

       $custom_fields["wc_custom_".$label] = array(
           'label' => $label,
           'type' => $type,
           'value' => $value,

   update_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_fields', $custom_fields);

This code handles the saving process. It first checks if any of the custom field arrays are set. If they are, it loops through each field, sanitizes the input, and saves it as post meta data. The custom fields are stored with a unique key for easy retrieval later.

Step 6: Display Custom Product Field Data on the Product Page

Once you’ve set up your custom product fields and saved the data, the next step is to display these fields on your product pages. Here’s how you can do that:

Hook into WooCommerce

To show the custom fields on the frontend, you’ll need to hook into WooCommerce at the right spot. We’ll use the woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form hook to display the fields right before the “Add to Cart” button on the single product page.

Code Implementation

Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file. This will retrieve and display the custom fields for each product:

function woocommerce_custom_fields_display() {

   global $post;
   $product_id = get_the_ID();
   $custom_fields = get_post_meta($product_id, '_custom_fields', true);
   $related_products = get_post_meta($product_id, '_custom_product_field', true);

   if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
       echo '<div class="custom-fields">';
       foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
           echo '<div class="custom-field">';
           echo '<strong>' . esc_html($field['label']) . ':</strong> ';
           if ($field['type'] === 'textarea') {
               echo '<p>' . esc_html($field['value']) . '</p>';
           elseif($field['type']==='radio') {
               $options = explode(',', $field['value']);
               echo '<div class="radio-options">';
               foreach ($options as $option) {
                   // Trim whitespace around the option
                   $option = trim($option);
                   // Display radio button
                   echo '<label>';
                   echo '<input type="radio" name="custom_field_radio_' . esc_attr($field['label']) . '" /> ';
                   echo esc_html($option);
                   echo '</label><br>';
           else {
               echo '<span>' . esc_html($field['value']) . '</span>';
           echo '</div>';
       echo '</div>';

   if (!empty($related_products)) {
       echo '<div class="custom-fields">';
       echo '<h2>Related Products</h2>';
       foreach ($related_products as $related_product_id) {
           $related_product = wc_get_product($related_product_id);
           echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($related_product_id) . '">' . $related_product->get_name() . '</a><br>';
       echo '</div>';


  • Custom Fields Display: The code loops through each custom field and displays it based on its type. For text areas, it uses a paragraph tag, and for radio buttons, it generates a list of options. For other types like text and number, it displays the value in a span.
  • Related Products: If you have a custom field for related products, it will display them as links below the custom fields. This is useful for cross-selling or highlighting complementary items.
  • Customization: You can filter which fields to display by modifying the conditions in the loop. For instance, you could add checks to only show specific fields based on their labels.


  • Radio Inputs: The radio inputs expect options as a comma-separated string. You can adjust the code to suit your data structure or input method.

Using Multi-Select Fields in WooCommerce

Imagine you’re on Etsy, checking out a stunning Bohemian necklace. The page does more than just show off its design. It suggests matching bracelets and earrings, turning a single piece into a complete set. That’s the power of multi-select fields. They let you pick multiple items at once, making shopping a breeze.

For sellers, these fields aren’t just tools—they’re storytellers. They take a single product and weave it into a collection, offering a curated shopping experience.

Now, picture doing the same with your WooCommerce store using custom product fields. Show related items or offer customization options all in one place. It’s not just a transaction; it’s about transforming a visit into a journey.

I’ll show you how you can do this step by step.

Step 1: Adding a Custom Multi-Select Field

First, we need to add a custom multi-select field to the WooCommerce product options. This lets us associate related products or any additional details with the main product.

Hook into WooCommerce to Add the Field

We’ll use the woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data hook to add our custom field to the product data section.

add_action('woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'add_custom_product_field');
function add_custom_product_field() {
   global $post;

   // Get all products
   $args = array(
       'post_type' => 'product',
       'posts_per_page' => -1,
       'post_status' => 'publish',
       'fields' => 'ids'
   $products = get_posts($args);

   // Prepare options array
   $options = array();
   foreach ($products as $product_id) {
       $product = wc_get_product($product_id);
       $options[$product_id] = $product->get_name();

   // Add custom multi-select field
   echo '<div class="options_group">';
       'id' => '_custom_product_field',
       'name'=> '_custom_product_field[]',
       'label' => __('Related Products', 'woocommerce'),
       'description' => __('Select related products for this product.', 'woocommerce'),
       'desc_tip' => true,
       'options' => $options,
       'class' => 'wc-enhanced-select',
       'custom_attributes' => array(
           'multiple' => 'multiple'
   echo '</div>';

Screenshot detailing step 1 where we add a custom multi-select field in our WooCommerce store.
Comprehensive Guide to Adding WooCommerce Custom Product Fields 2
Screenshot detailing the selection of WordPress Pennant under related products while creating WooCommerce custom fields.
Comprehensive Guide to Adding WooCommerce Custom Product Fields 3
  • Hook: We’re using add_action to tap into woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data. This hook allows us to inject our custom field into the product settings page.
  • Fetch Products: We pull all published products from the database using get_posts(). This creates an options list for our multi-select field.
  • Create Field: The woocommerce_wp_select() function generates a multi-select field, allowing you to associate multiple products as related items.

Step 2: Saving the Selected Values

Once the field is in place, you need to save the selected values. Use the woocommerce_process_product_meta hook to do this when saving or updating a product.

// Check if our custom field is set
if (isset($_POST['_custom_product_field'])) {
       // Sanitize and save the custom field data
       $custom_field_value = array_map('sanitize_text_field', (array)$_POST['_custom_product_field']);
       update_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_product_field', $custom_field_value);
   } else {
       // If no value, delete the meta key
       delete_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_product_field');

This code ensures that the selected related products are stored correctly in the database. It checks if any data is present and saves it as post meta.

Step 3: Displaying Related Products on the Product Page

Finally, you want to display these related products on the product page. Use the woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form hook to show the related products before the add-to-cart button.

$related_products = get_post_meta($product_id, '_custom_product_field', true);
if (!empty($related_products)) {
       echo '<div class="custom-fields">';
       echo '<h2>Related Products</h2>';
       foreach ($related_products as $related_product_id) {

           $related_product = wc_get_product($related_product_id);
           echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($related_product_id) . '">' .  $related_product->get_name() . '</a><br>';
       echo '</div>';

A screenshot that highlights the outcome of creating WooCommerce custom product fields for a beanie.
Comprehensive Guide to Adding WooCommerce Custom Product Fields 4

The complete code will looks like this depending on if custom additions are made or not.

  1. Functions.php

// Enqueue admin scripts and styles
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'custom_enqueue_admin_scripts');
function custom_enqueue_admin_scripts($hook) {
   if ($hook !== 'post.php' && $hook !== 'post-new.php') {

   if ('product' !== get_post_type()) {
   wp_enqueue_script('custom-product-fields', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/custom-dynamic-fields.js', array('jquery'), filemtime(plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '/js/custom-dynamic-fields.js'), true);

// Add custom fields in WooCommerce product data
add_action('woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'woocommerce_product_custom_fields');
function woocommerce_product_custom_fields() {
   global $post;
   if ($post->post_type !== 'product') {

   $custom_fields = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_custom_fields', true);
   <div id="custom-fields-container">
       <h3>Custom Fields</h3>
       <table id="custom-fields-table" class="form-table">
               <?php if (!empty($custom_fields)) : ?>
                   <?php foreach ($custom_fields as $field) : ?>
                       <tr class="custom-field-row">
                           <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_label[]" value="<?php echo esc_attr($field['label']); ?>" /></td>
                               <select name="custom_field_type[]">
                                   <option value="text" <?php selected($field['type'], 'text'); ?>>Text</option>
                                   <option value="textarea" <?php selected($field['type'], 'textarea'); ?>>Textarea</option>
                                   <option value="number" <?php selected($field['type'], 'number'); ?>>Number</option>
                                   <option value="radio" <?php selected($field['type'], 'radio'); ?>>Radio</option>
                           <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_value[]" value="<?php echo esc_attr($field['value']); ?>" /></td>
                           <td><button type="button" class="remove-field">Remove</button></td>
                   <?php endforeach; ?>
               <?php endif; ?>
       <button type="button" id="add-custom-field" class="button">Add Custom Field</button>

// Save the custom fields data
add_action('woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'woocommerce_product_custom_fields_save');
function woocommerce_product_custom_fields_save($post_id) {

   if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {

   if (!isset($_POST['custom_field_label']) || !isset($_POST['custom_field_type']) || !isset($_POST['custom_field_value'])) {
       delete_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_fields');

   $custom_fields = array();
   $labels = $_POST['custom_field_label'];
   $types = $_POST['custom_field_type'];
   $values = $_POST['custom_field_value'];

   foreach ($labels as $index => $label) {
       $label = sanitize_text_field($label);
       $type = sanitize_text_field($types[$index]);
       $value = sanitize_text_field($values[$index]);
       if ($type === 'number') {
           // Validate if the value is a valid number
           if (!is_numeric($value)) {

       $custom_fields["wc_custom_".$label] = array(
           'label' => $label,
           'type' => $type,
           'value' => $value,

   update_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_fields', $custom_fields);

// Save custom multi-fields
add_action('woocommerce_process_product_meta', 'woocommerce_product_custom_multifields_save');
function woocommerce_product_custom_multifields_save($post_id) {
   if (!isset($_POST['_custom_product_field'])) {
       delete_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_product_field');

   if (isset($_POST['_custom_product_field'])) {
       $custom_field_value = array_map('sanitize_text_field', (array)$_POST['_custom_product_field']);
       update_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_product_field', $custom_field_value);
   } else {
       delete_post_meta($post_id, '_custom_product_field');

// Add custom product field
add_action('woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'add_custom_product_field');
function add_custom_product_field() {
   global $post;
   // Get all products
   $args = array(
       'post_type' => 'product',
       'posts_per_page' => -1,
       'post_status' => 'publish',
       'fields' => 'ids'
   $products = get_posts($args);
   // Prepare options array
   $options = array();
   foreach ($products as $product_id) {
       $product = wc_get_product($product_id);
       $options[$product_id] = $product->get_name();

   // Add custom multi-select field
   echo '<div class="options_group">';
       'id' => '_custom_product_field',
       'name'=> '_custom_product_field[]',
       'label' => __('Related Products', 'woocommerce'),
       'description' => __('Select related products for this product.', 'woocommerce'),
       'desc_tip' => true,
       'options' => $options,
       'class' => 'wc-enhanced-select custom-field-multiselect',
       'custom_attributes' => array(
           'multiple' => 'multiple'
   echo '</div>';

// Display custom fields in WooCommerce frontend
add_action('woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form', 'woocommerce_custom_fields_display');
function woocommerce_custom_fields_display() {
   global $post;
   $product_id = get_the_ID();
   $custom_fields = get_post_meta($product_id, '_custom_fields', true);
   $related_products = get_post_meta($product_id, '_custom_product_field', true);

   if (!empty($custom_fields)) {
       echo '<div class="custom-fields">';
       foreach ($custom_fields as $field) {
           echo '<div class="custom-field">';
           echo '<strong>' . esc_html($field['label']) . ':</strong> ';
           if ($field['type'] === 'textarea') {
               echo '<p>' . esc_html($field['value']) . '</p>';
           elseif($field['type']==='radio') {
               $options = explode(',', $field['value']);
               echo '<div class="radio-options">';
               foreach ($options as $option) {
                   // Trim whitespace around the option
                   $option = trim($option);
                   // Display radio button
                   echo '<label>';
                   echo '<input type="radio" name="custom_field_radio_' . esc_attr($field['label']) . '" /> ';
                   echo esc_html($option);
                   echo '</label><br>';
           else {
               echo '<span>' . esc_html($field['value']) . '</span>';
           echo '</div>';
       echo '</div>';

   if (!empty($related_products)) {
       echo '<div class="custom-fields">';
       echo '<h2>Related Products</h2>';
       foreach ($related_products as $related_product_id) {

           $related_product = wc_get_product($related_product_id);
           echo '<a href="' . get_permalink($related_product_id) . '">' . $related_product->get_name() . '</a><br>';
       echo '</div>';

2. custom-dynamic-fields.js

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

       placeholder: "Select products",
       width: '100%'

   $('#add-custom-field').on('click', function() {
       var newRow = `
       <tr class="custom-field-row">
           <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_label[]" /></td>
               <select name="custom_field_type[]" id="custom-field-value-type">
                   <option value="text">Text</option>
                   <option value="textarea">Textarea</option>
                   <option value="number">Number</option>
                   <option value="radio">Radio</option>
           <td><input type="text" name="custom_field_value[]" /></td>
           <td><button type="button" class="remove-field button">Remove</button></td>
       $('#custom-fields-table tbody').append(newRow);

   // Function to remove a row from the table
   $(document).on('click', '.remove-field', function() {

   $('#post').on('submit', function(event) {
       var isValid = true;
       var errorMessages = [];
       $('#custom-fields-table tbody tr').each(function() {
           var $row = $(this);
           var type = $row.find('select[name="custom_field_type[]"').val();
           var value = $row.find('input[name="custom_field_value[]"').val() || $row.find('textarea[name="custom_field_value[]"').val();
           var label = $row.find('input[name="custom_field_label[]"').val();

           // Validation
           if (type === 'number' && isNaN(value)) {
               isValid = false;
               errorMessages.push('The value for the custom field "' + label + '" should be a number.');
           if (type === 'textarea' && typeof value !== 'string') {
               isValid = false;
               errorMessages.push('The value for the custom field "' + label + '" should be a valid string.');

       // Display error messages if invalid
       if (!isValid) {
           alert('Please correct the following errors:\n\n' + errorMessages.join('\n'));


The other day, I was browsing through Etsy and stumbled upon a handcrafted wooden chair. The product page was a goldmine of information, detailing everything from the materials used to the shipping options, inventory status, and customization possibilities. It was like getting a complete story about the product before making a decision.

With WooCommerce, we can create similar detailed product pages by using different hooks to organize product information in various tabs. Here’s how you can make your product pages just as engaging and informative.

Adding Custom Settings to Product Tabs

WooCommerce provides several hooks that let you add custom fields and settings to specific tabs on the product data page. This way, you can organize your product information just like Etsy, where each tab is a piece of the product’s story.

  1. General Data Tab
    • Hook: woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data

This is where you add general information about your product. It’s like the basic introduction on an Etsy product page, covering essential details that apply to every item, like price and SKU.

add_action('woocommerce_product_options_general_product_data', 'add_general_product_settings');

function add_general_product_settings() {
    echo '<div class="options_group">';
    // Add your custom fields here
    echo '</div>';

For instance, you might include a field for a handcrafted item to specify the artisan’s name or the crafting method used. It’s the foundational information that sets the stage.

2. Inventory Tab

  • Hook: woocommerce_product_options_inventory_product_data

Just like Etsy lets you know if a product is in stock or made-to-order, this hook helps you manage and display inventory details.

add_action('woocommerce_product_options_inventory_product_data', 'add_inventory_settings');

function add_inventory_settings() {
    echo '<div class="options_group">';
    // Add your inventory-related fields here
    echo '</div>';

You could use it to show how many units of the handcrafted chair are available. Perhaps add a note if it’s the last piece!

3. Shipping Tab

  • Hook: woocommerce_product_options_shipping_product_data

The shipping tab on Etsy explains how the product will reach the customer. Use this hook to do the same in WooCommerce.

add_action('woocommerce_product_options_shipping_product_data', 'add_shipping_settings');

function add_shipping_settings() {
    echo '<div class="options_group">';
    // Add your shipping-related fields here
    echo '</div>';

Add custom fields to specify delivery times or shipping methods. It’s where you tell the customer if they can expect their unique find in two days or two weeks.

3. Attributes Tab

  • Hook: woocommerce_product_options_attributes

This tab is perfect for customization options, much like choosing fabric color or finish on Etsy.

add_action('woocommerce_product_options_attributes', 'add_attribute_settings');

function add_attribute_settings() {
    echo '<div class="options_group">';
    // Add your attributes-related fields here
    echo '</div>';

You could offer personalization options, like engraving initials on a piece of jewelry, allowing customers to make the product truly theirs.

4. Advanced Tab

  • Hook: woocommerce_product_options_advanced

Finally, the advanced tab is for anything extra, like purchase notes or custom scripts that enhance the product experience.

add_action('woocommerce_product_options_advanced', 'add_advanced_settings');

function add_advanced_settings() {
    echo '<div class="options_group">';
    // Add your advanced settings here
    echo '</div>';

Method 3: Custom Plugins

Running an online store sometimes means needing a bit more than the default options. This is where custom plugins for WooCommerce come in handy, offering extra features without the hassle of coding everything yourself.

Custom plugins—they’re like the secret sauce for your WooCommerce store. You want your product pages to be more than just a dull list of items? These plugins let you add features that make your store feel unique, almost like it’s speaking directly to your customers. It’s like giving your store a personality, one that’s tailored to your needs without messing around with code.

Now, here’s the kicker: as your business grows, these plugins grow with you. They’re flexible, easy to use, and give you that edge in a crowded market. Because let’s face it, in the wild world of e-commerce, standing out isn’t just nice to have—it’s everything.

Popular Custom Plugins

Wrapping Up

We’ve explored how to add custom product fields in WooCommerce, from simple built-in options to custom coding and versatile plugins. These tools help make your store’s products more detailed and engaging for your customers.

Imagine your store not just as a list of products but as a space where each item tells its story. With custom fields, you can add layers of information that turn browsing into a more personal experience.

Want to stand out with personalized products? 

Our WooCommerce customization experts help you create an online store that’s as unique as your offerings. Get in touch today.


Picture of Aida Ghani

Aida Ghani

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