
Increase WooCommerce Sales by 20% using Personalised Product Bundles!


“If you build it, they will come” – said no one, in the ecommerce space!

Continuously trying to get more customers and sales is as much of a struggle for you, as the next e-store owner. Learning shopper behavior, working towards improving buyer experience, finding avenues to communicate with the customer, are all part of this process.

But hey! The upside of things is that you’re not alone. There are others who’ve been there, done that. So all you need to do, is learn what’s worked for them, and implement the same.

Getting the Formula Right

Increasing sales is not only about getting more customers on your store. It’s also about converting more visitors into buyers and increasing the order size.

So, how do you go about doing this?

WooCommerce – the amazing e-commerce platform that it is – has several features and extensions to help you.

You might be aware of a few, such as Product Enquiry Pro, Customer Specific Pricing, Product Add-ons and the like. These extensions help capture leads or provide more options when making a purchase. They work well, no doubt.
But here’s what’s working best for fellow WooCommerce store owner, and the one solution most swear by.


I’m certain this method will help you too.

Bundling and Selling Assortments

Bundling is a time tested approach.

Bundles have a higher perceived value. That is to say, even if they are more expensive than buying a single product, customers see more value associated with them. And on WooCommerce, there are not just one but several approaches to bundle and sell your products.

So which one works the best? Well, the one sure-fire approach stems from buyer psychology.

Put the Customer in Control

handwritten italian marketing menu

According to a study by University of Texas, customers want control. They crave “consumer-centric” experiencesAnd when presented with such experiences the chances of making a purchase drastically increase. I’m talking about “personalised product bundles

Emphasis on the word “personalised”.

Personalization is the difference between buying tailored gloves vs choosing a one size fits all pair 1

Personalized product bundles allow the buyer to pick and choose their favourite products from your store to create a personalized package or assortment.

In the WooCommerce world, these personalized product bundles are nothing but ‘Custom Product Boxes‘.

The Power of Custom Product Boxes

Based on our analysis, WooCommerce store owners using Custom Product Boxes have seen a 20% increase in sales on an average. That’s because adding this functionality to your store not only increases the chance of a purchase, but increases the chance of an upsell.

The Custom Product Box functionality works quite simply:

  1. A customer chooses a box based on the number of items he wants to purchase
  2. He/She see a list of products that can be added to the custom box
  3. He/She picks the products to be added and makes the purchase
  4. The price of the box can either be fixed or based on the products being added to the box

custom product boxes ui

This setup works whether you sell apparel, confectioneries, jewelry, gourmet food, wine, or just about anything under the sun. To state particular applications Custom Product Boxes can be used to:

#1 Sell Assortments

pexels photo 295043Think chocolates, donuts, cupcakes, wine bottles, and so on.

These are purchased more often as assortments than as pre-assorted bundles. By allowing customers to create their own box, you give them a more satisfied shopping experience.



#2 Offer Shopping Dealsoffer 706846 1920

Custom Product Boxes can be set up to offer deals such as:

  • Buy Three for the Price of Two
  • Buy One Get One Free
  • Get Two for $99

… for products similar in cost. These deals work great in the holiday season.

#3 Encourage Bulk Purchases

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Potential buyers can be coaxed into increasing their order size by creating pricing tiers.

For example, you can setup products as:

Buy 4 for $20.. each product costing $5

Buy 8 for $32.. each product costing $4

The customer sees more value in purchasing a bundle of higher quantity.

#4 Upsell!

potatoes french mourning funny 162971A simple trick like adding Custom Product Boxes as ‘Recommended Products’ in WooCommerce, can lure a buyer to purchase a bundle.


Conversions are tough.

We run an e-store; we know this all too well!

It’s all about using the right strategy and putting customers in control. This personalized shopping experience can also boost customer loyalty.

When buyers can pick specific products tailored to their wants and needs, they are bound to be much happier. And the way forward is to integrate Custom Product Boxes into your WooCommerce Store!
Are you interested in boosting your Woo store sales by 20%? You know the way forward! 🙂


Picture of Pinakin Vitkare

Pinakin Vitkare

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