
The Instructor Role Extension for LearnDash Just Got BIGGER and BETTER

Picture of Tahseen Kazi

Tahseen Kazi

WooCommerce-scheduler-updateYes, we have updated the Instructor Role Extension for LearnDash. With this update, I promise that the plugin has definitely taken a huge leap in terms of features!!

What’s new?

Well, the extension now comes equipped with the Instructor Commission feature.

But before I get into the details of the update here’s a little bit of backstory.



Why the Instructor Commission Feature?

The main intent of the Instructor Role Extension for LearnDash was to provide users with an additional user role for their LearnDash system. A role that would have more capabilities than the ‘Group Leader’ but fewer capabilities than the ‘Administrator’.

The basic version of the plugin fulfilled this intent.

Now comes the Instructor Commission Feature.

When we introduced the basic version of the plugin to Justin from LearnDash his immediate response to us was this.


However, by then we were well into the development phase, and we stuck with our initial plan, that of providing the instructor role. Soon after the release, though, (just as Justin had predicted) we were inundated by quite a few of these queries.

An example of these queries is this..


And this…


Without a doubt, we were prompted to put the Instructor Commission feature on our priority list and here we are today  with the update.

Understanding the Instructor Commission Feature

So what does the Instructor Commission Feature exactly entail? Let’s take a look!

Once you have updated the Instructor Role extension a new sub-menu labeled ‘Instructor Commission’ will be made available under the ‘LearnDash LMS’ menu in the admin panel.  Once you navigate to ‘LearnDash LMS’ -> ‘Instructor Commission’ three tabs will be displayed on the screen.  Here’s what you will be able to do with using the three tabs.

Assigning a Commission for Instructors

In order to set instructor commission, you will have to navigate to ‘LearnDash LMS’ -> ‘Instructor Commission’ -> ‘Instructor’ tab.

Once here you a list of instructors on your website will be displayed in a table as below.


Here you can set the commission percentage against each instructor and save the newly added data using the update button.

Viewing Instructor Commission Reports

A detailed report of an instructor’s earnings can be viewed by navigating to the ‘LearnDash LMS’ -> ‘Instructor Commission’ -> ‘Commission Report’ tab.

Here you will be able to view instructor specific reports by selecting a particular instructor from the ‘Select Instructor’ drop down list. Once you select an instructor and click on the submit button you can view a list of the commission amount earned by the instructor for each course sold.


The ‘Paid Earnings’ is the commission amount, you have paid an instructor. And the ‘Unpaid Earnings’ provides the pending amount which has to be paid.

You can update the ‘Paid Earnings’ by clicking on the ‘Pay’ button and entering the paid amount in the text box against the ‘Enter amount’ field. An important thing to note here is that the ‘Pay’ button does not ensure the payment is made. It is just a means to update the data once you have made the payment.


Exporting Instructor Commission Data

Finally moving on to the last tab, as the name suggests it helps you ‘Export’ some sort of document. What document? The instructor commission report document.

Here again, the reports exported are instructor specific. Along with that, date based filtration criteria has also been provided.


What are you waiting for then? Update your copy of the Instructor Role Extension for LearnDash now and enjoy the all new instructor commission feature.

Not convinced? What if I told you it will help you increase sales? Will that motivate you to click on the update button? Go! Stop reading this!



Picture of Tahseen Kazi

Tahseen Kazi

4 Responses

  1. Hi,
    I attempted to update the plugin through the WordPress dashboard but received an error. Can you explain the steps to updating the plugin. Thanks.

        1. Thanks for letting me know 🙂

          Do let us know of any specific feature that you might be looking for. We’ll try and incorporate it in our future updates based on feasibility!

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