
WooCommerce Support: The Fastest Road to Getting All the Help You Need!


WooCommerce Support

What’s the best thing about WordPress? 

Is it the scalability? The extreme flexibility of the platform? Or perhaps its ease-of-use?

Well, all of these are some great perks of working with WordPress. The most important thing that WordPress thrives on is its Community.

WordPress and WooCommerce users from around the globe come together to constantly improve and upgrade the platform. Whether it’s developing free plugins or blogging about tips and tricks, this community comes second to none.

The problem, however, arises when you’re looking for some very specific answers. 

What’s your first move in this situation? You turn to Google for help. 

What happens then? Google throws 4,03,000 different solutions at you!

WooCommerce Support Google Search Results

Which “suggestion” are you supposed to take? Are these even reliable sources of information? All of these community members will have varying (and sometimes even contradictory) approaches towards a particular situation.

The best way to go about getting the support you need would be to get in touch with the right people at the right time. We’ve curated an all-inclusive list of some very reliable WooCommerce support resources. In other words, this is your get out of jail free card that’ll help you knock on the right door in the time of need.

WooCommerce Support: Where to Find it

#1 Looking to Install WooCommerce?

WooCommerce Support Question

If you are, you’ve most likely done enough research to decide that WooCommerce is the right fit for your business. At this stage, questions like “Which payment methods does WooCommerce accept?” or “For how long is my subscription valid?” or “Do I receive support for the themes I purchase on” are bound to arise.

Even if you haven’t given these things a thought, we suggest you look up WooCommerce’s Frequently Asked Questions before moving ahead. It addresses most of the concerns that you might have with regard to using WooCommerce, its themes and how the subscription works.

If you still have doubts, you can go ahead and write to them. Now, unfortunately, WooCommerce does not have a 24×7 support team, but they’ll definitely get back in touch with you soon enough.

#2 Need Help with Setting Up and Configuring Your New Website?


The WooCommerce support team has put together detailed documentation that’ll walk you through the entire process.

It covers everything from setting up your new store and its shipping module to localizing your store and managing orders

Alternatively, there are videos or trained developers that can help you.

#3 Migrating to WooCommerce?

WooCommerce Migration Support

Moving tonnes of products onto a new alien platform isn’t as hard as it seems. 

WooCommerce has a built-in product importer and exporter. This step-by-step guide will make the process of migrating your products a total breeze. Whether you’re a new store owner or you have an existing store, you’ll get all the guidance you need to upload (new products) and update (existing products) your products.

If you’re specifically looking to move from Etsy to WooCommerce, this manual is just what need at the moment.

#4 Building a New Theme or Plugin?

WooCommerce Theme Building Support

Building a WooCommerce extension is very similar to building any WordPress plugin. But then again, you could use all the help you get when it comes to developing a new plugin. 

This developer deck contains most of the information you’ll need for the build. It includes information about making your plugin GDPR compliant, a list of some core functions, Image sizes for theme development and everything in between.

Even if you’re trying to customize your website, you should definitely skim through all the free resources (API documentation, product update information, Git Hub Access and everything else you need) that WooCommerce provides. 

#5 Need Feature Additions for Your WooCommerce Store?

WooCommerce Feature Addition Support

It’s very likely that you’ll find the feature you’re looking for in the form of an existing plugin or extension. WooCommerce’s ‘Extension Store’ and ‘Theme Store’ is where you need to look.

Sometimes, your needs are very specific to your business. Finding an off-the-shelf solution isn’t always possible. In that case, it’s always advisable to get an expert to help you out with the customization. 

WooCommerce works with a verified set of agencies on a regular basis to make sure they’re best equipped to help you out. These ‘WooCommerce Experts’ from around the globe are handpicked to handle customizations, plugin building or just about anything when it comes to WooCommerce.

#6 Looking to Maintain and OptimizeYour Website?

WooCommerce maintenance support

Maintaining your WooCommerce website includes taking back-ups, conducting security and malware scans, fixing your broken links, and the likes.

Optimizing it, on the other hand, deals with things like implementing a CDN, and optimizing your code to improve your page load speeds. 

If you need someone to handle your maintenance and optimization woes, we suggest you again turn to a ‘WooCommerce Expert’ who’s up for the task. 

Now, there are agencies who specialize in web maintenance, and optimization tools that claim to boost your page speeds. There are two reasons we recommend working with a WooExpert instead:

  1. An eCommerce website that’s expected to perform, needs more than a generic web maintenance strategy
  2. Performance optimization also entails implementing lazy loading, structured data, and even accelerated mobile pages if need be. A ready-to-use tool does not cater to these tasks.

Can’t Relate to Any of the Above Situations?

As I mentioned earlier, the community is huge, and it’s got you covered. Here’s a list of some forums and platforms where these people hangout:

  1. WooCommerce Support Forum – WooCommerce users and even employees of Automattic (the parent company of WooCommerce) answer the tonnes of questions that are regularly posted here. 
  2. WooCommerce Stack Exchange –  If you’re a developer, you already know what this is. You’ll find a list of over 3000 WooCommerce related questions that answered and are at your disposal.
  3. Ideas Board – If you’re looking at a feature similar to the one that’s suggested here, there’s a good chance someone has commented on an alternative way to get it done in the comments sections.
  4. Slack – Again a very active group that includes WooCommerce specialists, devs, and even users. At any given point, you’ll find at least 50 of them online, and ready to help.
  5. WooCommerce GitHub – Helping and contributing doesn’t get any better than this. Hundreds of developers readily share their code on GitHub for you to work with. You can even report the bugs and issues that you come across.

Parting Words

We’ve pretty much listed down all of the resources that could help you out. In fact, you could even join WooCommerce’s Official Facebook group to stay on top of everything related to WooCommerce.

If all of this doesn’t help, you could always get in touch with us and we’d love to help you out, irrespective of whether or not you’re a client. We’re Certified WooExperts ourselves, so you’ve got nothing to worry about when it comes to reliability. 

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  • How do I contact WooCommerce?

You can contact WooCommerce by filling in their contact form here. In case you’re already using WooCommerece, you can raise a support ticket using the above link.

  • How much does WooCommerce cost?

WooCommerce is a FREE WordPress plugin. However, if you choose to customize your WooCommerce website or purchase any WooCommerce-based plugins, you’ll incur additional costs accordingly.

  • Is WooCommerce easy to set up?

Yes. Once you have a basic WordPress website ready, the WooCommerce Setup Wizard will walk you through the entire process. You can also check out this detailed WooCommerce Set-Up guide for additional help.

  • Can WooCommerce handle subscriptions?

Yes, you can use the WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on to enable subscriptions on a WooCommerce website. 


Picture of Shreya Reddy

Shreya Reddy

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