
WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Add-ons: The Heart of a Smashing Trio

Picture of Vinita Lobo

Vinita Lobo

Image Courtesy Google

Gravity Forms is by far the most popular forms plugin on WordPress.

Originally developed for advanced contact forms, it has since allowed site owners to conditionally build forms to collect all kinds of data from its users.

WooCommerce– the leading e-commerce plugin on WordPress- has all the functionality you need to build an online store.

And these two plugins are brought together using the Gravity Forms Product Add-ons.


WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Add-ons Plugin

Built by Lucas Stark, what this plugin does, is link custom forms to any product in your WooCommerce store, to request additional information from the shopper. As the store owner, you can either request shopper information or product customization specification depending upon your product or service.

You can build advanced product configuration forms using Gravity Forms and link them to any product in your WooCommerce site.


These forms can contain mandatory or optional fields. Form fields can be created to gather information about the quantity and pricing, associated services, or set parameters while choosing the product. The information can be then used to generate a total purchase amount for the product.

Additionally, multiple Gravity Forms one for each product individually can be built or you can assign a single standard form to all products.

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Side-note: Gravity Forms Add-On vs Product Add-Ons for WooCommerce

While the Product Add-Ons extension for WooCommerce is seemingly familiar to the Gravity Forms Add-on extension, there is a fair amount of difference.

Product Add-Ons provide simple add-on fields. With the Gravity Forms add-on plugin, you can create advanced forms with conditional pricing. Also, form entries are saved in backend and can be easily accessed if needed.



Exploring the WooCommerce Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons

Once you install Gravity Forms and the add-ons plugin on your WooCommerce store, you’ll notice a ‘Pricing Fields’ section in Gravity Forms.gravity-forms-pricing-fields

These are additional fields which can be used when creating a form that is linked to a product.

Regardless of how your Gravity Form is set-up, you need the ‘Product’ and the ‘Total’ fields to be present, when using any of the Pricing Fields.

Product Field

You can use the field to mention the name of the product and also enter the base price (keep it 0 if you don’t have a base price). This field will not be shown on your WooCommerce product page, but will still be processed during purchase.

The Product Field comes with a ‘single window’, ‘drop down menu’, ‘radio list’  features to let users determine product quantity or variable product options.

Quantity field

Quantity field is always tied to the product field and you have to select the product you want to link it to, in case you’ve added multiple products. Field Types include ‘Number’, ‘Drop-down’ or ‘Hidden’.

  • Number- Use it to let customers determine quantity while setting a limit using ‘Range’.
  • Drop Down menu- Set predefined quantities using the ‘Drop-down’ menu.
  • Hidden- Useful when setting a quantity without it being visible or editable by the user.


An interesting Gravity Forms feature that can be coupled with the ‘Quantity Field’ is ‘Conditional Logic’. With conditional logic, you can choose to display or hide this quantity field based on values of other fields.

Option Field

The Option Fields are usually applied to provide options in products. They have the ability to add costs for add-on services to the product on sale. Options like a variation in color, size etc. or customization services can be listed using this field.

For example, if you’re selling a basic spa package, you can add services like manicure, hot stone massage etc. to your package according to your needs, and the associated cost will be added to the total.

Shipping Field

Product delivery prices are something that cannot be discounted.

Shipping field adds the amount associated with shipping, to the total price of the product during purchase.

This could be set as a standard rate for products or you could go for a drop-down menu or radio button field, where customers can pick their shipping options, and set a varying price. This field can be integrated with the WooCommerce Per Product Shipping Add-on.

Total field

Another mandatory field for the Gravity Fields add-on is the Total Field. It automatically calculates the total price of the product, including all the options prices, shipping rates, quantity etc. This field then displays the total cost of the product after which it’s added to the cart.


Adding a Gravity Form to WooCommerce

Adding the form to a WooCommerce Product is a rather simple process.

  1. You create a form in Gravity Forms and add the needed fields
  2. Under a WooCommerce Product, you should notice a ‘Gravity Forms Product Add-ons‘ section. Use this section to select a form and link it to the product
  3. Update the product, and you’re set!


The Catch?

Gravity Forms has several options which might confuse a newbie user. Since Gravity Forms is a premium extension, the price of the plugin $39 and the add-on $99$199, make this extension one pricey package!

But given the benefits it brings to your store, the expense is nevertheless worth every penny.

Apart from such minor issues, this trio (WooCommerce + Gravity Forms + Add-on) has no major drawbacks, only numerous benefits!

Also, the add-on ensures that no matter how complex your product form, only unique configurations are added to the cart and duplicates are incremented in quantity.



Gravity Forms is a handy extension for most WordPress websites, and with this add-on, they can be integrated into WooCommerce stores as well. Commercial sites that sell made-to-order products would benefit immensely from this extension, as it allows them to accept custom values from shoppers.

Got anything more to say about this plugin?! Leave your comments in the section below!

Picture of Vinita Lobo

Vinita Lobo

2 Responses

  1. I love this extension. Question: is there a way that when a customer clicks to add a previous order item configured with Gravity Forms from their My Account page, the product page would show up with the same configuration? It seems like the customer has to reconfigure each time… It also seems like if they change their mind and want to go back to the product once it’s in the cart to make minor configuration changes, everything is reset. Can anyone point me to instructions on how to resolve this? Thanks for the article!

  2. Also there is no way to assign the product add-ons to a whole category. You have to do it one by one. Thats a deal breaker to me.

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