
Product Enquiry Pro- The Leading Inquiry Plugin for WooCommerce


PEP LogoSay you were interested in purchasing a product, but had a few doubts.

In a brick and mortar store, you’d normally just walk up to a salesman, and ask your questions, right?!

Imagine the same store, taken online. But this time around, you’re the shop owner. As a shop owner, you’d want to address potential buyer issues. Just to be clear a potential buyer is a store visitor more likely to make a purchase.

But then as you can imagine, potential buyers may have questions. And they’ll probably leave your store without making a purchase, if their questions aren’t answered.

But in an online store, you don’t have salesmen to address potential buyer issues.

So then, what can you do?

The Plugin You’re Looking For…. Product Enquiry Pro

Product Enquiry Pro by WisdmLabs, is your salesman for your WooCommerce store. Here’s why.

It’s Aimed at Converting Store Visitors into Customers

The Inquiry Plugin for WooCommerce has been built around the idea of converting leads into customers. So, the main functionality of the plugin is to provide store visitors a means to send across questions about products they were interested in. These questions are emailed across, as soon as the inquiry form is filled out. These emails are sent to the store owner, and product owner (if different). If a customer makes multiple inquiries, form details are auto-filled to save the customer’s time. Which makes it customer friendly as well.

Make an Enquiry


It Keeps Track of Product Inquiries

The Product Enquiry Pro for WooCommerce plugin, not only mails across inquiry emails, it keeps track of inquiries right in your site’s dashboard. Thus it’s an inquiry manager too. These inquiry records are available for easy access. But that’s not all. There are filtering tools, which can help you filter out inquiries made for a single product, or by a particular user. Which means, you can analyse product demands, and identify loyal customers.

It can Ask the Right Questions

The plugin comes with a customizable inquiry form. This means you can customize the existing fields or add new fields in your inquiry form.

It’s Localization Ready and WPML Compatible

This means you can speak to potential clients in their or your preferred language. So its easy to personalize your messages, and these messages can be easily interpreted by potential buyers.

It Fits Seamlessly in Your Store

The Product Enquiry Pro for WooCommerce plugin seamlessly fits in your store, because you can easily customize the look and feel of the button, and inquiry dialog. Thus the button is unintrusive, yet easily accessible, because it places itself on every WooCommerce single product page. With an option provided, you can decide the products for which you would want to hide (or selectively show) the inquiry button.

A Sneak Peak!

With the latest update scheduled this week, Product Enquiry Pro Plugin, gets ever better! Along with the above features, the plugin allows for the following:

  1. You have an Option to Display Inquiry Button only for Out-of-Stock Products
    • With the new update, you have an option to display the inquiry button, only for products which aren’t available in stock. This hides the inquiry button for purchasable products, but displays the button, when the item is out of stock.
  2. You can Send Inquiry Emails to Multiple Recipients
    • Every inquiry made by a potential customer can be sent via email to multiple recipients, as per settings made in the plugin.
  3. Bonus for Amigos and Vänner!
    • Spanish and Swedish language translation files have been added along with the plugin. Yayy!

Looking for More Features? You Can Contribute!

WisdmLabs constantly endeavors to perfect the plugin. And this is where you as potential customers, or current customers can help! You can build an all-round inquiry plugin according to your needs, by providing your valuable feedback.

So here’s what, I have inside news 😀 Below stated are features being discussed, for the inquiry plugin:

  • Demand analysis charts: This feature would allow you to generate graphical results for product demands.
  • CAPTCHA in Inquiry Form: To avoid spam mails, a CAPTCHA field option could be added to the inquiry form.

So how can you get these features developed or suggest your own?

You have a forum right here!

You can use the comment section below, to send across feature ideas you’re looking to see in the Product Enquiry Pro plugin, or by popularizing the above stated features. Your idea could be added in an upcoming version of the plugin! So what are you waiting for?


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