
Top 5 Essential Tips to Maximize Magento 2 Security

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This is a guest post by Harshal Shah. If you’d like to contribute to our blog, feel free to get in touch with us.

Owning an eCommerce store is the riskiest business these days. In the world with the constantly increasing cybercrime, it is very difficult to have an online store with great security. eCommerce niche is a business which is more likely to get the security threats in the whole industry as it involves the exchange of various money transactions and some critical information of the customers. Many researchers have found that for developing an eCommerce website, Magento is a highly preferred platform, with improvements in the performance on a regular basis.


Hence, by putting the trends of the industries in mind, Magento eCommerce platform has provided certain measures to beat the security threats and make the online store owners free from the fear of getting hacked or breaking the security of their eCommerce store.

When using Magento 2, you will have various ways to improve the security of your website. It is an important task to make your online store secure. Here, in the below article, you will find five essential tips which will help you to maximize the Magento 2 security. These security practices can be practiced during and after the Magento 2.0 storefront development. Read the entire article and find out the tips to be followed.

#1 Go For a Highly Secure Hosting Environment

Only developing an online store with Magento 2 platform does not make you sure of the security of your online store. The secure hosting environment is the basic requirement for the better security of your online store for a longer period.

Hence, you can select a dedicated hosting plan with a reliable and preferred hosting environment in order to secure your Magento 2 eCommerce store. We all know that all the store owners do not have the technical knowledge to figure out the difference between the highly secure one and the one with lower security.

Hence, if you are a person with less technical know how, go for the high security hosting provider.

#2 Check For the Signs of Attacks

Attacks can happen to highly secure websites as well. But, if the attack is stopped from the initial level, you can save your eCommerce website from the vulnerable errors occurring to it.

For stopping it at the initial level, you need to keep checking your website if it contains any sign of attack, and this checking should be done periodically so that you can be aware of the attack at an initial level. The biggest signal is that your system will not be patched immediately after the security breach.

There are a variety of security checks you may need to do such as check admin actions log for the suspicious activities, monitor all the logins occurring on the system. You can use the log review tools for the secured review of the signals found on the website.

#3 Apply Secure Server Management

Server management is the necessity for every website, be it a Magento website or website developed with any other platform. Server security software plays a vital role in the security of the Magento eCommerce stores. If going for a third party software, never use them without following the guidelines given by them.

And if you have your own server or the host provider, implement the software security at your store level, also, compel the hosting provider for providing the secured server management. Generally, the use of third-party software and extensions should be avoided in order to reduce the security threats. For this, you can use the automated tools for the suspicious activities.  

#4 Improve the Security of Magento 2

With Magento 2, it is assured that your online store is far from the attacks and is secured, but improving the Magento security is one of the major aspects out there. The Magento 2 security can be improved by configuring the configuration settings related to security, password management, and ongoing maintenance.

As we know, this is the newest version of Magento and therefore it includes the finest security patches developed by Magento. Hence, when working with Magento 2, you may not need to worry about the installation. For more improvement in the Magento 2, you can use a unique and custom admin URL instead of the default ones.

You can use correct file permissions, you can block the access to any development or testing systems. Using a strong password for the Magento Admin is a very common but critical thing to take care of. Also, never use any kind of personal information in the password as it will become easier to hack the admin area.

#5 Make Use of Security Authentication Practices

Though you have highly improved security on your Magento 2 eCommerce store, using the security authentication system is something that must be used by the store owner for the security regarding the user access.

Being a store owner, you must be careful about the access that is provided to the users and the sellers. Also, you should use a strong and unpredictable password in order to save your website from the security breaches that are related to authentication and the user access.

Also, you must allocate the user permission with the safe and reliable resources. Give the permissions to the trustworthy ones and not to the random people. Avoid using the incorrect file permissions, to make the data stealing and manipulation secure. It is preferred to use the ‘two-factor’ authentication system for the remote accesses and increased security.

Author Bio

Harshal Shah is the CEO and founder of Elsner Technologies, a professional Magento Development Company & global IT consulting firm. He is a tech evangelist with a reputation to provide optimum solutions for business automation and solving real-life problems with the power of IT.

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