
Combo Packs to Increase WooCommerce Store Sales

Assorted Box in WooCommerce

Once while browsing through an eCommerce website I came across a combo pack of three DVD’s for a good price…and when I say good, I mean really good! But the excitement was short-lived. While I really wanted two of the movies in the combo pack, I had my reservations about the third. And the only thing I really wished at that point was to make my own combo pack for that price.

Me being the software developer that I am, I started postulating an approach to incorporate the functionality into WooCommerce. And before we knew it we had custom product boxes for WooCommerce plugin.



Creating Combo Packs in WooCommerce

The custom product boxes plugin can be used on any eCommerce website to bundle products into a box. However, it would be most beneficial for websites that are selling a niche product like chocolate, macaroons, flavored beer, movie DVD, flavored cheeses etc where the user purchases one or more items of the given products under various categories. So, if a user is on a website that sells assorted cheese the typical process to buy the combo pack would be something as below.

  1. A customer selects a box based on its quantity. Let’s assume he selects a box of 4 that costs $100
  2. He then visits the product page of the box.
  3. All the cheeses that the shop owner wishes to sell as a combo pack, are now listed on this page.
  4. The shopper now adds the flavored cheeses based on his preferences. Let’s assume he adds two of peppery cheese, one of smoked cheese, and one of alcohol cheese.
  5. At this point, the shopper also has an option to remove products from the box and add other products.
  6. Once the shopper has completed creating the custom box he adds the combo pack and buys it for $100. Additionally, any shipping charges that might be applicable can be levied on the combo pack as usual.

Dynamic Price Calculation (Update – 16 July 2015)

The Custom Product Boxes has now been updated to include dynamic calculation of custom boxes. This means that the cost of the box will increase based on the cost of the item added to the box. Two options have been provided in the ‘Price Type‘ field for the dynamic price calculation feature.

The first is that of dynamic price calculation along with a base price for the product. Here, a price is defined for the custom product box. Over and above that, the price of individual items is appended to the total cost of the box.

The second option is that of per-product pricing without a base price. In this type of product, the customer will start off with a product that costs nothing by itself. Now, each time an item is added to a box the price of that item is appended to the total cost of the product.


Typical Workflow of Custom Product Boxes for WooCommerce Plugin

Benefits of a Combo Pack Offer in WooCommerce

Clearly, the custom product boxes are beneficial for customers as the price of the combo box is usually lesser than the individual products. Additionally, it allows users to purchase multiple products in fewer steps and makes the process of customized purchases simple.

That, however, does not mean that the benefits are restricted to the end users alone. eCommerce shop owners also reap benefits of the functionality by selling multiple products in one go in a combo pack. Also, allowing the customer to create the bundles means opening up various permutations and combinations thereby making customer purchases more likely. This directly has an effect on the sale of the product.

Online shopping is an evolutionary process and is largely influenced by the end user experience. By and large eCommerce service providers try to improve a customer’s shopping experience by keeping the purchase process minimal and useful. The Custom Product Boxes plugin is just one step in that direction and is sure to result in satisfied customers coming back again and again to your website for more.



Picture of Sagar Kale

Sagar Kale

4 Responses

  1. Hello, I have a problem with adding products in the box I create. Nothing happens when I click on the sign “+”. Please could you help me or give me an email address for the support ? Thanks.

  2. Real Bug here is
    1 item for $10 where as 9 items for $100 and when you remove items then reach 1 item it costs you $20
    need to work a lot on this

    1. Hi Varun,

      Thanks for taking a look at the demo. But there’s one thing you missed. Actually, there is a base price of $10 set for the box.

      You see, with the latest version of the CPB plugin, you can 1) set a fixed price for the box, 2) calculate the price dynamically based on the price of the add-ons or 3) set a fixed price for the box and add the price of add-on products.

      The demo actually has been set up for the 3rd scenario, with $10 as the based price of the box, and $10 for each add-on. So that’s what you’re seeing 🙂

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