
All You need to know about WordCamp Mumbai 2018



If you love WordPress then you know what a big deal WordCamp is. This year, WordCamp Mumbai was held on the 17th and 18th of March. The two-day event was filled with educational presentations, networking, and everything WordPress. To add icing to the cake, WisdmLabs was one of the proud sponsors of WordCamp Mumbai. Here’s a quick rundown of the events that followed.

WordCamps are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users. Everyone from casual users to core developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. As WisdmLabs also develops WordPress solutions, we were pretty excited about the event and were bound to learn a lot.

The Event

The venue for WordCamp was the serene campus of IIT Bombay. The theme of the event was focused on Mumbai’s Dabbawalas who have achieved the prestigious Six Sigma level of efficiency. All the volunteers were wearing the signature caps of Dabbawalas which was a bit different from other WordCamps.


Our very own Wisdmite, Aniket, was a proud volunteer at the event. He was given the responsibility to look after the registration process. It was a great opportunity to learn a lesson in teamwork and communication. They also got valuable insights from the speakers. Aniket now has an organizer badge on his WordPress profile.

The aura at the venue was delighting, with new Personalised IDs for each participant.


The event was flagged off by Alexander Gounder and we were super-psyched to listen to speakers from all around the globe share their experiences with us.



Speaker sessions are the most exciting events of WordCamp.

Some of the sessions were:

‘How WordPress can change your lives’  by Suyogya Shukla


‘Managing WordPress from the command line’ by Ulrich Pogson


‘Playing well with others: writing solid code in large community projects’ by Dennis Snell


‘In search of the Best WordPress Theme’ by Nirav Mehta


‘Are you Ready for Gutenberg?’ by Hardeep Asrani

The Gutenberg editor is a major feature that will be rolled out with WordPress 5.0. It features a heavily revamped blog posting module and was the hot topic of discussion. Hardeep Asrani gave an illuminating talk about the editor, explaining its features and what kind of impact it would make.

The best thing about the sessions was the openness, interactiveness, and semi-Q&A character. People were asked to ask questions whenever they had any, and so everyone left the room quite a bit smarter than before.



The crux of WordCamp lies in networking. We enjoyed mingling with fellow WordPress enthusiasts and discussing the sessions that occurred. For two days, we met different people across the globe and had animated brainstorming, photo-ops, and chats over breakfast and lunch.


Ah, the most awaited part of WordCamp 😛 When companies, in their stalls, start giving out their merchandise, one does not stop to think twice. We flocked towards each stall, collecting as well as knowing more about the plethora of companies that have helped shape WordPress.



Two fruitful days of WordCamp Mumbai 2018 now came to a conclusion. Needless to say, the two days ended in a flash! We cannot wait for the next occurrence of WordCamp and hope you all participate in large numbers next time!

Picture of Sai Krishna Pothamsetty

Sai Krishna Pothamsetty

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