Being in the WooCommerce space for over a decade, developing unique plugins for your Woo store, and specializing in WooCommerce services, we continue to achieve yet another milestone.
In addition to being Platinum WooExperts, we’re now recognized as certified YITH Partners.
If you’re a WooCommerce enthusiast, then you already know about Yithemes and their work in the industry.
With a track record of 15+ years in the WooCommerce industry, Yithemes is one of the leading independent companies developing WooCommerce plugins.
Powering over 2 million+ WooCommerce users, YITH offers compatibility among all their plugins and has now listed us as one of their support partners.
Sharing a common passion for providing the best solution for your WooCommerce shop, we are always looking forward to friendships and partnerships.
Therefore, with this partnership, we now have the opportunity to help more customers who want unique and useful solutions for their WooCommerce store.
Backed by expert developers, we create and maintain consistent quality with every new project. And with upcoming partnership projects, we will focus closely on solving all problems and customizing your WooCommerce website down to the finest line.
We love working with WooCommerce and it is a significant moment for us when our work gets recognized by industry leaders.
And now, we’re one of the only 7 WooCommerce development companies listed as YITH support partners.
It brings a huge smile to our faces every time we look at this screen. 🙂
Yes, that’s us!
Having 300+ projects already under our belt, we’re only getting bigger and better. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for us and for WooCommerce.
With the combined use of YITH plugins/themes and WisdmLabs WooCommerce Development Services, you can now look forward to whatever solution to build a top-quality WooCommerce site along with enthusiastic support.
We’ll keep you posted with more news!