
Why developers Love WordPress


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It’s Free
WordPress is absolutely for free. For the different features and functionality it provides, it is one of the Best CMSs to work on. You do have to pay for hosting & domain names, but having such a powerful code for free is simply amazing.


It’s Open Source and hence well supported
WordPress is absolutely free and allows you to see the code and make changes and enhancements yourself. If you are an adroit coder and want to play around with code, WordPress is just for you. It is in fact the best source to play around with and learn the basics of PHP. There is a vast collection of documentation to help you with the WordPress framework. It also gives you a great insight and experience of working with advanced PHP and other API’s & frameworks. You will also get immediate help on any issues since there are large number of developers out there to help you in case you are stuck or have found some bug in code.


It Is Easy To Install and Use
WordPress takes just five minute for complete installation which has been its best feature. You can simply login once installation is completed and start posting your blog posts or articles or pages for your site. You can add functionality or enhance design too by simply adding widgets or plugins to the site. There are plugins available to make your site SEO friendly which is what you may want to work on once your site is up and ready.


Its a complete CMS
Some may think its used for blogging, but WordPress is a very Powerful CMS and can be used to create fully functional websites for business. You can create you own themes to choose your own layout and design for the site. You can integrate shopping carts, payment modules and also use other plugins to have your own functionalities.

Our WordPress API Integration experts will help you have a smooth integration journey. Connect with us today to avoid any hassle.


Picture of Sumit Pore

Sumit Pore

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