
Guide to Mastering WooCommerce Product Pages



When you are planning to create a successful online business, it involves more than just listing of your products. Your product pages need to be visually attractive to the targeted audience, unique, user-friendly to view, and tailored to the brand image.

WooCommerce, a popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress, provides you with a robust easy-to-use platform for building your online business. With additional WordPress tools like Site Editor and Block Editor, you can customize the product pages on your webstore to reach out to your targeted audience. In this guide, we will help you understand about customization of WooCommerce product pages, editing them, and creating unique single-product pages to enhance the experience of visitors to your online store.

What is WooCommerce Product Page?

A WooCommerce product page is a dedicated page designed to showcase individual products of your business in detail, provide essential information and product features to help your customers make informed purchase decisions.

Product page
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The layout and design of this page depend largely on the theme you are using for the website. However, following is a list of key elements of WooCommerce product page:

  1. Product Title and Description: The title of the product and a detailed description that highlights its features, benefits, and usage.
  2. Product Images: High-quality images of the product, often with the ability to zoom in or view the product from different angles.
  3. Price and Availability: The price of the product and its availability status (in stock, out of stock, etc.).
  4. Add to Cart Button: A button that allows customers to add the product to their shopping cart.
  5. Product Data Section: This section includes various details such as SKU, categories, tags, and attributes like size, color, and material.
  6. Customer Reviews: A section where customers can leave reviews and ratings, providing proof about the product and possibly influencing potential buyer’s decision.
  7. Related Products: Suggestions for other products that might interest your customer, often based on the current product’s category or tags.

Why customize WooCommerce Product Pages?

The default WooCommerce product page templates are functional but not customised to your business needs.

Online page of shoes for e-commerce store
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Customising your product pages may help you with the following –

  • Improved user experience – Tailor the product layout and their features to make it easier for customers to find, understand its features and purchase specific products.
  • Sales improvement – When your product pages have added elements like product videos, user reviews, and products often bought together, it encourages users to buy the product.
  • Building brand presence – Ensure your product pages align with your brand’s aesthetics and vision.

How to customize WooCommerce Product Pages

1. Using the Site Editor : The Site Editor in WordPress will allow you to customize your WooCommerce product pages even without any previous coding knowledge. Follow the below steps to access and use the Site Editor –

  • Access the Site Editor – Go to Appearance and click on Editor in your WordPress dashboard.
WordPress dashboard for accessing site editor
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  • Select the Single Product Template – Navigate to Templates, scroll to the WooCommerce section, and select Single Product. Thereafter click on the pencil icon. This will open the single product page in editor.
Access to single product page template on WooCommerce.
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  • Transform into Blocks – Click on the template area and transform it into blocks. This will allow you to use WordPress blocks to customize the layout and content of product pages on your website.
Transforming your single product page into blocks for editing
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2. Use Plugins : Plugins will allow you to add different functionality and a whole set of customization options to your WooCommerce product pages. The most commonly used plugins include

  • Elementor – A drag-and-drop page builder that allows you to design custom product pages with ease.
Elementor page builder plugin for WordPress
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  • WooCommerce Product Add-Ons – This will allow you to add extra fields to your product pages, such as text boxes, checkboxes, and dropdowns. This will help you to gain additional insights into the user choices.
WooCommerce product data page for add-ons to the product
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  • Variation Swatches and Photos – Displays product variations with images or colour swatches for improved user experience. It allows you to display the variation to the product in terms of size, color, pattern, fabric etc giving them a better purchase choice.
Size and color swatches for the product

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3. Custom CSS and Code :

Using Custom CSS and code for WooCommerce product page
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If you are an advanced user with coding knowledge, custom CSS and code can be used to make specific changes to your product pages. This method is also useful if you are using the classic theme for your WooCommerce store.

To access CSS for editing, go to Dashboard > Appearance >  Customize > Additional CSS.

This method offers larger flexibility as compared to other options but requires some knowledge of web development to be able to use it. Any error in the coding can result in website downtime and make your website vulnerable.

If you are using this method, you can create a backup of your WooCommerce store to avoid the website and data loss. Also, you can make use of a staging site to check the outcome of your customizations before making it live.  

How to edit WooCommerce Product Page layout and content?

Editing your WooCommerce product pages involves modifying the content and layout of the product page to better suit the information needs of your customers. If you want to modify the content related to your product, you will have to edit the individual product page. Some of the action points to start with your editing journey are detailed below –

A. Edit product information

  • Navigate to Products – Go to your WordPress dashboard, go to the Products section and select the product you want to edit.
Access Product for editing on the WordPress dashboard
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  • Modify details – You can edit the product title, description, images, and other details related to the product. Scroll down to the Product data section to create simple product or variable product etc. You can also configure product data such as price, inventory, weight, dimensions, and shipping settings etc.
Updating product details on WordPress
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B. Customize the layout

  • Use the Customizer – Go to Appearance, click on Customize and select WooCommerce. Here, you can adjust various aspects of your product pages, such as the display of product categories and tags.
  • StoreCustomizer Plugin – This plugin allows users to edit WooCommerce pages without coding. You can remove elements like breadcrumbs, sale banners, product tabs, change the designs of buttons and banners on your product page.
StoreCustomizer plugin on WordPress dashboard
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C. Add custom elements to the product page

Video for addition to the product page

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The features of this extension that makes it useful for the ecommerce store are detailed below:

Attach videos on any product page on your store.

Attach multiple videos in the product pages.

Play videos in popup mode, from the Page or in full screen mode.

Upload videos from other websites.

  • 360º Images – The WooCommerce 360º Image extension lets you add dynamic, rotating images to your product pages.
360-degree view of product for customer

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The features of this extension that makes it useful for the ecommerce store are detailed below:

360º image rotations.

Mobile view enabled for access on smartphones.

Extremely customizable to suit your product display needs     


Customizing your WooCommerce product pages can significantly enhance the user experience of your online store. Whether you are making use of plugins, or custom code, there are plenty of options to create product pages that will accurately reflect your brand and meet the specific requirements of visitors to your website.

When you invest time in customizing your product pages, you are working on creating a wholesome shopping experience for your customers.

Remember, the key to successful customization is to keep your customers experience in mind. Make sure your product pages are easy to navigate, visually eye-catching, and provide all the necessary information that will help a customer make the right choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

A. How do I display WooCommerce products on my homepage?

You can display WooCommerce products on your homepage using shortcodes, widgets, or page builders like Elementor.

B. Can I customize the WooCommerce product page layout?

Yes, you can customize the layout using the Site Editor, plugins like Elementor, or custom CSS etc. This allows you to change the position of elements, add new sections, and more.

C. How do I add custom fields to WooCommerce product pages?]

Use plugins like WooCommerce Product Add-Ons to add custom fields such as text boxes, checkboxes, and dropdowns etc. This will also help you in collecting additional information and have a better understanding of customer preferences.

D. How can I add product videos to WooCommerce product pages?

The Product Video for WooCommerce extension allows you to add videos to your product image gallery. This will help you to showcase the features and usage of your products more effectively to the targeted audience.

E. Is it possible to create a custom single product page template?

Yes, you can create a custom single product page template using page builders like Elementor or plugins like ProductX. This allows you to design a unique layout for individual products on your website. However, it is more important to maintain the aesthetics of your website and hence, recommended to keep a similar template for different product pages.

F. How do I edit the WooCommerce product page title?

You can edit the product page title by navigating to Products in your WordPress dashboard and selecting the product you want to edit.

Update the title in the product details section.

G. Can I remove the WooCommerce product tabs?

Yes, you can remove product tabs directly using custom code or use plugins like StoreCustomizer. This will allow you to simplify the product page layout.

H. Can I add 360º Images to WooCommerce product pages? If yes, then how?

You can use the WooCommerce 360º Image extension to add dynamic, rotating images to your product pages. The 360-degree view of the products will provide an interactive viewing experience for customers of the various products sold on your WooCommerce store.

I. Are there other extensions available for WooCommerce Product Page edits?

You can access the full list of extensions available on WooCommerce here.

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