These settings enable you to track the “actual” time spent by learners by discarding the time
- when the learner – “opens another tab and leaves the current tab” or
- the learner is “Idle” on the current tab such as “the learner does not move the cursor” or
- the learner is “Idle” on the current tab such as “the learner does not perform any keyboard strokes”.
These settings can be found by navigating to Wisdm Reports > Settings tab.
Configure Idle time
This Setting enables you to track the “Idle Time” of the learners on the site. Enabling this will start tracking the idle time of the users based on mouse movements and keyboard strokes.
Note:We do not recommend you to “switch off” this setting as it will stop tracking the “Idle Time” and affect the “Time Spent” Reports on the Reports Dashboard which might lead to inaccurate data.
Idle Time (in seconds)
Configuring the Idle Time will open a popup every time a learner is idle for the same amount of time as configured here.
Idle Message
This is the message that learners will see in the popup if they are idle.
Active Button Label
Clicking on this button will resume the time being tracked on a course for the learner.
Idle Time Configuration Log
This section shows your activity history where you can check when was the last time that you enabled/disabled this setting.