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Export Enquiries, Anonymize or Remove User Data

Exporting Enquiries

WISDM Product Enquiry Pro (PEP) allows you to export the enquiries data. This can be done easily through the enquiry list page.

As you can see in the screenshot, inside Bulk Actions, there are two actions available for exporting enquiries:


This action lets you export the selected enquiries on the page. Select the enquiries that you want to export and click on the action Export.

Export all enquiries

This action lets you export all the enquiries. You don’t need to select each and every enquiry. Just click on the Export all enquiries and you are done with exporting all the enquiry data present on the site.

Remove personal data

When a user asks for removing his/ her data present on your site, you need to remove the user’s data or you can simply anonymize the user’s data. Anonymizing the user’s data means removing the personal identity of the user from your site. For example, removing a user’s name, email address, IP address. But you can keep the data such as date of enquiry, products for which the user has made an enquiry, etc. for statistics purposes.

PEP provides a way to anonymize the user’s data.

To anonymize the user’s data, select the enquiries on the enquiry list page, click on the Remove personal data action. This action will remove the user’s personal data.

As you can see in the screenshot, the Customer Names have been replaced with [deleted]. In the same way, the Customer Emails have been replaced with [email protected].

Updated on August 4, 2020
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