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Compatibility with WISDM Customer Specific Pricing

WISDM Product Enquiry Pro plugin (6.4.1+) is compatible with the WISDM Customer Specific Pricing plugin (4.5.0+).

This feature lets you capture the enquiries and leads seamlessly for special buyers. This will let you not miss out on potential customers and directly create quotes with special pricing to the users with the leading “Enquiry Form” and “Quote Request” plugin on WooCommerce.


Here is a screenshot of the Beanie single product page where the user is able to view the discounted prices applied for him and can also make a request for quote:

This compatibility now allows you to provide an option to your customers to place an enquiry on the discounted products.

For e.g: If you’re already offering 20% discounts on Refrigerators, then with this integration, you can place an enquiry option on the discounted product for your customers.


On the Enquiry Edit page (backend), the admin can view the CSP prices currently applied for the specific customer by clicking on the here button as shown in the screenshot. It enables the admin to create a quote easily without navigating or checking the CSP prices for each product individually. The admin can view the CSP prices on the same page.

Updated on August 4, 2020
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