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Create Enquiry forms specific to your requirement

The WISDM Product Enquiry Pro has a built-in Custom Form Builder that helps you add custom fields to your Enquiry Form.

Creating a Custom Form

To create a custom form, click on the Forms menu as shown. After clicking on the Forms menu, you will be redirected to a page consisting of a list of all created forms. To create a new form, click on the Add New button.

After clicking on Add New button, you will get a page to create a custom form.

As you can see in the screenshot, there are various fields which you can add to your custom form.

To add any field in the custom form, simply click on the plug (+) icon on the right side of the field or you can drag and drop the field on the custom form. To remove any field added earlier, click on the cross (x) icon. Note: You can’t remove the Name and Email form fields from the custom form. Here, we are working with the Rating field. This rating field will be shown in the form of stars on the custom form on the frontend.

As you can see, there are some input fields (such as Label, Configurations, Note, etc.) inside the Rating field. These input fields differ based on the form fields.

Inside the Configurations section, there are two input fields – Maximum rating and Rating steps. Maximum rating input field is responsible for deciding the number of stars to be shown and Rating steps input field is responsible for how rating would be incremented. We have set Maximum Rating as 5 and Rating Steps as 0.5.

Here is a screenshot of how the custom form consisting the rating field looks like on the frontend:

Updated on August 4, 2020
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