Hide WordPress Logo and Other Information for Instructors How to hide wordpress logo and other information in footer for instructors
How to register a LearnDash Instructor using forms on your website? This article describes a way to register instructors on your website using a user registration form.
Providing access to third party plugin menus or other CPT for instructors This article explains how one can provide access to third party plugins and CPT for instructors on the instructor dashboard.
Restrict instructors from creating course, lesson and topic categories This article explains how one can restrict course, lesson and topic category creation for instructors by hiding them.
Change ‘LearnDash LMS’ text in the Instructor Dashboard Menu A lot of users have asked us how can they rename the ‘LearnDash LMS’ text from the instructor dashboard to...
Redirect Instructors to another page on login instead of their dashboard The first page that instructors can access when they login is their overview dashboard page, where they can start creating...
Hide ‘Profile’ and ‘Notifications’ menu options in the Instructor Dashboard 1. Remove Notifications Menu Option To hide the notifications menu from the instructor dashboard add the following code in either...
Restrict Instructors Accessing the Default WP Dashboard This article explains how you can restrict instructors from accessing the default WP Dashboard page.
Accessing the Instructor Dashboard using a menu or a button This article explains how to setup a menu item or a button to access instructor dashboard.
Restrict Blocks access to Instructors This article explains how to restrict access for instructors to core gutenberg blocks.