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CSS to personalize eLumine as per your needs:

Below-mentioned is a list of various CSS codes to make minor tweaks to the eLumine theme to help you ensure personalization of your LMS.

To increase/decrease the height of the header 

@media screen and (min-width: 992px){
	header#masthead {
	    min-height: 70px;
	.site-content-contain {
    	margin-top: 70px; //This value should be same as the above
		height: 70px; //This value should be same as the above
@media screen and (min-width: 992px){
	header#masthead .elumine-site-logo img {
    	height: 70px;
	} .site-branding img {
    	max-height: 70px; //This value should be same as the above

To change the font size of header menu items

.navigation-secondary .menu-item a, .main-navigation .menu-item a{
	font-size: 18px;

To change the font weight of the header menu items

@media screen and (min-width: 992px){
	#site-navigation>div>ul>li>a, .navigation-secondary .menu-item a, .main-navigation .menu-item a {
    	font-weight: 600;

To make sure images on the blogs are not cropped

.wdm-blog-content .article img {
    min-height: initial;
    max-height: initial;

Change the colour of your Course Banner Background (Swift Loading Layouts)

.elumine-course-buy .el-banner{
	background-color: #222222;

To hide instructors details on courses page

	display: none !important;

To display description on LearnDash course grid 

.el-cls-desc {
    display: block;

To hide the course price on LearnDash course grid

   display: none;

To change the background color and text color of the ribbon for the LearnDash Course Grid

	background-color: #ee9823 !important;
	color: #ffffff !important;

To hide ribbon on course grid

.ld_course_grid_price {
    display: none;

To change the color of see more button on course grid

.ld-course-list-items .el-cls.ld_course_grid .thumbnail.course a.btn-primary{
    background-color: transparent;
    color: #000000 !important;

To hide ratings from course grid

	display: none !important;
Updated on January 8, 2021
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