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shvsh > /home/
shvsh > /home/

How to fix Google Typography limit exceeded error?

Follow the steps mentioned below to fix the Google Typography limit exceeded error.

  1. Download the eLumine – Google Typography Patch plugin.
  2. Activate the plugin.
  3. Go to Reading Settings
  4. Scroll down to the Additional Page Selection Settings section and set the Google Fonts API key.
  5. Click Save Changes button.

Don’t know how to get the API key? Follow the steps mentioned below to generate your own API key.

1.Go to
2. Select a project or start a new project
3. On the left side of the screen go to ‘Credentials’ tab, click on the Create Credentials button and choose ‘API key’.
4. Copy the given API key.
5. From the left side of the screen go to ‘Dashboard’ and click “Enable APIs and Services”, in the ‘Other’ section choose the ‘Web Fonts Developer API’.
6. Press ‘Enable API’.
7. Now save the generated API key in the reading settings as mentioned above.

Updated on September 14, 2020
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shvsh > /home/
shvsh > /home/

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