shvsh > /home/
shvsh > /home/
shvsh > /home/


No Arguments


This action triggers before listing the CSP rules on the product edit pages.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/templates/print_user_specific_pricing_tab_content.php: 68

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-get-data.php: 47

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1242

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1268

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1465

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1495

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1767

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1809

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1819

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1826

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1833

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1888

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1898

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1904

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1910

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 326

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 336

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 342

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/data-store/class-feature-settings.php: 120

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-product-tables.php: 61

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/cspapi-functions.php: 73

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action gets triggered after showing rule notes section

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/templates/rule-section.php: 26

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action gets triggred while loading the CSP rule edit sections for the simple products on product edit pages,the action is used internally to list all the three CSP price type rule edit sections

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/templates/rule-section.php: 37

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action triggers after generating the html for the CSP prices sections on the simple product edit pages.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/templates/rule-section.php: 44

No Arguments

array$cspMeta: {Array containg the following information about the plugin.


This action gets executed before upgrading CSP to the newest version.array $cspMeta {Array containg the following information about the plugin.}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce.php: 472

array$cspMeta: {Array containg the following information about the plugin.

array$cspMeta: {Array containg the following information about the plugin.


This action gets executed after upgrading CSP to the newest version.array $cspMeta {Array containg the following information about the plugin.}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce.php: 487

array$cspMeta: {Array containg the following information about the plugin.

array$userArgs: array of arguements specifying what user data to fetch.


Filter which can be use to filter the user parameters defined by CSP to generate user dropdowns for CSP rules.array $userArgs array of arguements specifying what user data to fetch.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/global-discount/class-global-discount-settings.php: 363

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-category-pricing.php: 492

array$userArgs: array of arguements specifying what user data to fetch.

float$regularPrice: Regular price of the product.

object$product: woocommerce product object.


Filter regulkar price to be displayed in Regular price section of CSP when enabled.float $regularPrice Regular price of the product.object $product woocommerce product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 94

float$regularPrice: Regular price of the product.

object$product: woocommerce product object.

string$regularPriceHtml: Html for the regular price display.

string$RegularPriceText: Text to be displayed in front of the regular price in CSP settings.

float$regularPrice: Actual regular price of the product.

int$productId: WooCommerce Product ID.


This filter can be used to filter the regular price html displayed by CSP.string $regularPriceHtml Html for the regular price display.string $RegularPriceText Text to be displayed in front of the regular price in CSP settings.float $regularPrice Actual regular price of the $productId WooCommerce Product ID.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 106

string$regularPriceHtml: Html for the regular price display.

string$RegularPriceText: Text to be displayed in front of the regular price in CSP settings.

float$regularPrice: Actual regular price of the product.

int$productId: WooCommerce Product ID.


string$descriptionText: Description text saved in the CSP settings.


Filter CSP descriptionstring $cspDescriptionHtmlstring $descriptionText Description text saved in the CSP settings.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 130


string$descriptionText: Description text saved in the CSP settings.

bool$applyCSP: to apply CSP or not.

int$cart_item_key: cart product id.

object$cart_item: WooCommerce cart item object.


Filter to manage CSP price application in the minicart & item price.bool $applyCSP to apply CSP or $cart_item_key cart product id.object $cart_item WooCommerce cart item object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 171

bool$applyCSP: to apply CSP or not.

int$cart_item_key: cart product id.

object$cart_item: WooCommerce cart item object.

array$uspRules: array of CSP rules.

int$userId: Id of the user for which these rules are fetched.

array$productIds: {


Filter to filter the CSP user specific pricing rules for the product.array $uspRules array of CSP $userId Id of the user for which these rules are fetched.array $productIds {}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 356

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-get-data.php: 80

array$uspRules: array of CSP rules.

int$userId: Id of the user for which these rules are fetched.

array$productIds: {

array$rspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$roles: role slugs for which these rules are fetched.

array$productIds: {


Filter to filter the CSP role specific pricing rules for the product.array $rspRules array of CSP rules.array $roles role slugs for which these rules are fetched.array $productIds {}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 386

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/role-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-simple-products-rsp.php: 333

array$rspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$roles: role slugs for which these rules are fetched.

array$productIds: {

array$gspRules: array of group specific CSP rules.

array$groups: group Ids for which these rules are fetched.

array$productIds: {


Filter to filter the CSP group specific pricing rules for the product.array $gspRules array of group specific CSP rules.array $groups group Ids for which these rules are fetched.array $productIds {}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 416

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-get-data.php: 172

array$gspRules: array of group specific CSP rules.

array$groups: group Ids for which these rules are fetched.

array$productIds: {

array$uspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$userId: user Id for which these rules are fetched.

array$catSlugs: {


Filter to filter the CSP user specific pricing rules for the categories.array $uspRules array of CSP rules.array $userId user Id for which these rules are fetched.array $catSlugs {}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 453

array$uspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$userId: user Id for which these rules are fetched.

array$catSlugs: {

array$uspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$roles: role slugs for which these rules are fetched.

array$catSlugs: {


Filter to filter the CSP role specific pricing rules for the categories.array $uspRules array of CSP rules.array $roles role slugs for which these rules are fetched.array $catSlugs {}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 490

array$uspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$roles: role slugs for which these rules are fetched.

array$catSlugs: {

array$gspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$groupIds: group Ids for which these rules are fetched.

array$catSlugs: {


Filter to filter the CSP group specific pricing rules for the categories.array $gspRules array of CSP rules.array $groupIds group Ids for which these rules are fetched.array $catSlugs {}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-usp-product-price-commons.php: 527

array$gspRules: array of CSP rules.

array$groupIds: group Ids for which these rules are fetched.

array$catSlugs: {

int$product_id: Id of the WooCommerce Product.


This filter will be useful when it is required to get CSP pricing rules for the WPML translated product,return the base product Id for the product Id using this filter for the $product_id Id of the WooCommerce Product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-get-data.php: 25

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/user-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-variable-products-usp.php: 77

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/role-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-simple-products-rsp.php: 355

int$product_id: Id of the WooCommerce Product.

float$regularPrice: - Regular price of the product.

int$productId: - Product ID for the product.


Filter the regular price being used for the CSP price calculations.float $regularPrice - Regular price of the $productId - Product ID for the product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-get-data.php: 253

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 97

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 312

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1047

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1294

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1345

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1439

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/role-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-simple-products-rsp.php: 281

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-functions.php: 673

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-get-category-data.php: 123

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-get-category-data.php: 253

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-get-category-data.php: 382

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-get-category-data.php: 411

float$regularPrice: - Regular price of the product.

int$productId: - Product ID for the product.

string$hookName: Show in product summary.


By default the product total will be displayed in the product summary, if one isnot showing the product summary on the product page & wants to show product totalon some other action they can filter out the hook name.string $hookName Show in product summary.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 57

string$hookName: Show in product summary.

string$unset: - default 'unset' will apply CSP custom redirect any other value will ignore CSPs link.

string$url: - Current redirection url.


When a product is added to the cart user gets redirected to the product page, in case of variation the variationselection on the variable product page, this functionality may cause some conflicts with some thims allowing to addvariations from the shop page, this filter can be use in such cases to prevent default CSP behaviour.string $unset - default 'unset' will apply CSP custom redirect any other value will ignore CSPs link.string $url - Current redirection url.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 142

string$unset: - default 'unset' will apply CSP custom redirect any other value will ignore CSPs link.

string$url: - Current redirection url.

int$minQty: minimum quantity defined by CSP Rules.

int$productID: woocommerce productId.


This filter can be used to filter out the minimum urchase quantity applied for the product by $minQty minimum quantity defined by CSP $productID woocommerce productId.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 170

int$minQty: minimum quantity defined by CSP Rules.

int$productID: woocommerce productId.

bool$apply: true|false.

int$quantity: Current quantity.



Filter 'wdm_csp_apply_csp_based_minimum_qty_for_product_in_cart' can be used to prevent CSP minQty from getting applied in the cartbool $apply true| $quantity Current quantity.object $cartItem.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 178

bool$apply: true|false.

int$quantity: Current quantity.


string$message: - html content of the message to be displayed.

int$stock: - remaining stock quantity.


This filter can be used to change the messages being displayed when quantity in the stock is lesser thanthe minimum purchase quantity set by CSP rules.string $message - html content of the message to be $stock - remaining stock quantity.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 274

string$message: - html content of the message to be displayed.

int$stock: - remaining stock quantity.

bool$apply: true|false.

int$min: current minimum quantity.

object$product: WooCommerce Product object.


This filter can be used to prevent CSP minQty from getting applied on the productbool $apply true| $min current minimum quantity.object $product WooCommerce Product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 342

bool$apply: true|false.

int$min: current minimum quantity.

object$product: WooCommerce Product object.

bool$apply: to apply CSP for the cart item.

int$cart_product_id: product id.


This filter can be used to preven CSP from applying CSP price to the cart itembool $apply to apply CSP for the cart $cart_product_id product id.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 426

bool$apply: to apply CSP for the cart item.

int$cart_product_id: product id.

float$price: CSP calculated price for the product.

object$cart_item: WC Cart item.


This filter can be used to filter/chnge the already applied CSP price in the cart.float $price CSP calculated price for the product.object $cart_item WC Cart item.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 445

float$price: CSP calculated price for the product.

object$cart_item: WC Cart item.

bool$current_price_status: Currently showing the price total for the product.

object$product: WC product object


This filter can be ueful to conditionally show the product total on the product page.bool $current_price_status Currently showing the price total for the product.object $product WC product object

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 492

bool$current_price_status: Currently showing the price total for the product.

object$product: WC product object

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object


This action gets executed before the generation of the 'Product Total' html on the product pages.object $product WooCommerce Product Object

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 514

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object

string$priceTotalHtml: Current HTML code or the price total.

object$prouct: WooCommerce Product Object.

float$displayPrice: Unit Price to be considered for product total.


Filter the price total html to be displayed for the product generated by CSP according to the CSP prices.string $priceTotalHtml Current HTML code or the price total.object $prouct WooCommerce Product Object.float $displayPrice Unit Price to be considered for product total.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 547

string$priceTotalHtml: Current HTML code or the price total.

object$prouct: WooCommerce Product Object.

float$displayPrice: Unit Price to be considered for product total.

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object


This action gets executed after the generation of the 'Product Total' html on the product pages.object $product WooCommerce Product Object

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 555

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object

bool$load: Load CSP Assets or not.

object$post: WordPress post object.


This filter can be used to conditionally restrict CSP assets from loading on the product pages.bool $load Load CSP Assets or not.object $post WordPress post object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 601

bool$load: Load CSP Assets or not.

object$post: WordPress post object.

bool$isStrikethroughEnabled: Strikethrough enabled or not.

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object.


This filter can be used to conditionally enable CSP Strikethrough setting on the simple product page.bool $isStrikethroughEnabled Strikethrough enabled or not.object $product WooCommerce Product Object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 615

bool$isStrikethroughEnabled: Strikethrough enabled or not.

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object.

bool$sameCspForAllVariants: if CSP is same for all the variations.

array$csp_prices: aray of CSP prices for variations.

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object.


Filter for the marker $sameCSPForAllVariations, this marker is usedto determine whether to show the price range or a single price or price rangewhen the price for all the variations is same.bool $sameCspForAllVariants if CSP is same for all the variations.array $csp_prices aray of CSP prices for variations.object $product WooCommerce Product Object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 770

bool$sameCspForAllVariants: if CSP is same for all the variations.

array$csp_prices: aray of CSP prices for variations.

object$product: WooCommerce Product Object.

bool$isQuantityManagedExternally: Wether plugins like WC Min Max Quantity are in use.

object$product: WC Product Object.


This filter can be used to disable quantity management on product page when external plugin for the same is used.bool $isQuantityManagedExternally Wether plugins like WC Min Max Quantity are in use.object $product WC Product Object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 788

bool$isQuantityManagedExternally: Wether plugins like WC Min Max Quantity are in use.

object$product: WC Product Object.

bool$includeCSP: default True.

object$product: WC product object.


The filter can be used to specify Wether to show the CSP prices in variable product price ranges on the shop & archieve pages.bool $includeCSP default True.object $product WC product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 815

bool$includeCSP: default True.

object$product: WC product object.

array$prices: array of CSP price pairs for variations

object$product: wc product.


This filter can be used to filter out the calculated CSP prices for the variable product variations.array $prices array of CSP price pairs for variationsobject $product wc product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 877

array$prices: array of CSP price pairs for variations

object$product: wc product.

bool$calculateCSP: default True.

object$product: WC product object.


This filter can be used to conditionally disable CSP price calculation for the simple product.bool $calculateCSP default True.object $product WC product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 913

bool$calculateCSP: default True.

object$product: WC product object.

float$db_price: CSP price.

int$product_id: WooCommerce productID


Filter Calculated CSP price conditionaly for the application in the cart.float $db_price CSP $product_id WooCommerce productID

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 945

float$db_price: CSP price.

int$product_id: WooCommerce productID

float$cspPrice: CSP calculated price for the quantity.

int$product_id: Id of the woocommerce product.

float$price: actual price of the product.

int$quantity: Quantity of the product for which the CSP price is being calculated.

array$csp_prices: List of CSP quantity-price pairs.

array$qtyList: List of quantities for which CSP prices are present.


Filter the calculated CSP product price for the specified quantity.float $cspPrice CSP calculated price for the $product_id Id of the woocommerce product.float $price actual price of the $quantity Quantity of the product for which the CSP price is being calculated.array $csp_prices List of CSP quantity-price pairs.array $qtyList List of quantities for which CSP prices are present.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 985

float$cspPrice: CSP calculated price for the quantity.

int$product_id: Id of the woocommerce product.

float$price: actual price of the product.

int$quantity: Quantity of the product for which the CSP price is being calculated.

array$csp_prices: List of CSP quantity-price pairs.

array$qtyList: List of quantities for which CSP prices are present.

int$product_id: product id of the WooCommerce Product.


This filter can be useful when it is required to copy CSP pricing of the one product for another,This filter can be used for WPML translations of the $product_id product id of the WooCommerce Product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1206

int$product_id: product id of the WooCommerce Product.

array$catPrices: CSP quantity-price pairs.

object$product: WC product object.


This filter can be used to filter the CSP prices for the productarray $catPrices CSP quantity-price pairs.object $product WC product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1233

array$catPrices: CSP quantity-price pairs.

object$product: WC product object.

bool$show: Show CSP prices or not.

object$product: WC product object.


The filter can be used to determine wether to show the CSP quantity based prices on the product pages.bool $show Show CSP prices or not.object $product WC product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1416

bool$show: Show CSP prices or not.

object$product: WC product object.

bool$show: defult False.

object$product: WC Product Object.


This filter can be used to show the CSP quantity based pricing on the archieve pages.bool $show defult False.object $product WC Product Object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1423

bool$show: defult False.

object$product: WC Product Object.

float$regularPrice: Regular price of the product.


Conver the CSP price as per the requirement of the multicurrency extension.float $regularPrice Regular price of the product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1446

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/class-wdm-csp-cd-application.php: 680

float$regularPrice: Regular price of the product.

string$price: Current CSP price HTML

float$cspPrice: CSP price.

object$product: wc product object.


Filter CSP price htmlstring $price Current CSP price HTMLfloat $cspPrice CSP price.object $product wc product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1482

string$price: Current CSP price HTML

float$cspPrice: CSP price.

object$product: wc product object.

bool$cspDontCheckSale: Wheter to check if CSP as sale price

object$product: Wc product object.

int$userId: id of the signed in user.


Filter to conditionally enable/diable CSP as a sale price feature.bool $cspDontCheckSale Wheter to check if CSP as sale priceobject $product Wc product $userId id of the signed in user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1740

bool$cspDontCheckSale: Wheter to check if CSP as sale price

object$product: Wc product object.

int$userId: id of the signed in user.

bool$onSale: Is product on sale according to the CSP.

object$product: wc product object.

int$userId: id of the signed in user.


A filter which can be used to conditionally manage showing CSP as a sale price.bool $onSale Is product on sale according to the CSP.object $product wc product $userId id of the signed in user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-apply-usp-product-price.php: 1785

bool$onSale: Is product on sale according to the CSP.

object$product: wc product object.

int$userId: id of the signed in user.

No Arguments


This action gets triggered before listing the user specific pricing section on simpleproduct edit pages.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/user-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-simple-products-usp.php: 97

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action gets triggered after listing the user specific pricing section on simple product edit pages.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/user-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-simple-products-usp.php: 128

No Arguments

string$ruleType: Type of the rules being saved

array$wdmSavedRules: array of the saved rules.


This action gets triggerd on saving the customer specific product pricing rules for variationsstring $ruleType Type of the rules being savedarray $wdmSavedRules array of the saved rules.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/user-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-variable-products-usp.php: 521

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/role-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-simple-products-rsp.php: 228

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/role-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-variable-products-rsp.php: 425

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/group-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-simple-products-gsp.php: 157

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/group-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-variable-products-gsp.php: 497

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-functions.php: 417

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-add-category-data.php: 74

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-add-category-data.php: 212

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-add-category-data.php: 346

string$ruleType: Type of the rules being saved

array$wdmSavedRules: array of the saved rules.

bool$enabled: default True.


This filter can be used to enable disable strikethrough on the variation prices when CSP strikethrough setting is enabled.bool $enabled default True.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/user-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-variable-products-usp.php: 554

bool$enabled: default True.

bool$enableCustomHtml: Default True.


This filter can be used to enable/disable custom price html format for variationsbool $enableCustomHtml Default True.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/user-specific-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-variable-products-usp.php: 633

bool$enableCustomHtml: Default True.

bool|string$name: $nonce_verification nonce name or false to disable nonce verification


This filter can be used to Override nonce verification for extending import functionality inany third party extension.bool|string $name $nonce_verification nonce name or false to disable nonce verification

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 139

bool|string$name: $nonce_verification nonce name or false to disable nonce verification



Filter to define whayt capability is required for the user to be able to access export functionality.string $capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 150




Filter to define whayt capability is required for the user to be able to access export functionality.string $capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 157




This filter can be used to conditionally allow the user to access the import feature when they do not have the capability to export.string $capabilityToExport

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 164


string$capability: wordpress user capability


Filter to set the user with which capability is allowed for the operation.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 216

string$capability: wordpress user capability

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.


This filter can be used to conditionally allow user to access the functionality.bool $allowAccess wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 222

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

string$capability: wordpress user capability


Filter to set the user with which capability is allowed for the operation.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 254

string$capability: wordpress user capability

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.


This filter can be used to conditionally allow user to access the functionality.bool $allowAccess wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 261

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

No Arguments


This action is being used for loading the Cart Discounts tab on content on the WP admin settings page,The same hook can be used to add functionality/html above or under the page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 329

No Arguments

string$capability: wordpress user capability


Filter to set the user with which capability is allowed for the operation.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 653

string$capability: wordpress user capability

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.


This filter can be used to conditionally allow user to access the functionality.bool $allowAccess wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 660

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

array$product_detail_list: list of csp products rules.


This filter can be used to filter the list of subrules for the product pricing rule.array $product_detail_list list of csp products rules.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 725

array$product_detail_list: list of csp products rules.

array$product_detail_list: List of CSP product rules.


This filter can be used to filter the list of subrules for the product pricing rule.array $product_detail_list List of CSP product rules.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 797

array$product_detail_list: List of CSP product rules.

array$titles: array of titles.


Filter the titles for the product price list table.array $titles array of titles.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 848

array$titles: array of titles.

string$capability: wordpress user capability


Filter to set the user with which capability is allowed for the operation.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 908

string$capability: wordpress user capability

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.


This filter can be used to conditionally allow user to access the functionality.bool $allowAccess wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 915

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

string$capability: wordpress user capability


Filter to set the user with which capability is allowed for the operation.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 983

string$capability: wordpress user capability

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.


This filter can be used to conditionally allow user to access the functionality.bool $allowAccess wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 990

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

string$capability: wordpress user capability


Filter to set the user with which capability is allowed for the operation.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1024

string$capability: wordpress user capability

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.


This filter can be used to conditionally allow user to access the functionality.bool $allowAccess wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1031

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

string$capability: wordpress user capability


Filter to set the user with which capability is allowed for the operation.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1604

string$capability: wordpress user capability

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.


This filter can be used to conditionally allow user to access the functionality.bool $allowAccess wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1611

bool$allowAccess: wether to allow the access to the functionality or not.

array$csvHeadings: list of CSV headings


This filter can be used to filter the headings of the Export CSV file.array $csvHeadings list of CSV headings

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1922

array$csvHeadings: list of CSV headings

array$productList: list of productId-productName pairs.


This can be used to filter the productId-productName pair list fetch to be used in the export file.array $productList list of productId-productName pairs.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 1929

array$productList: list of productId-productName pairs.

int$number: number of rescent username searches to store.


Search by feature for the users stores the rescent 10 searchases made by the user,this filter can be used change this $number number of rescent username searches to store.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-ajax.php: 2052

int$number: number of rescent username searches to store.

array$entityIdHeader: array of csv headers user_id|role|group_id.

string$ruleType: type of the CSP rules usp|rsp|csp.


Filter for the heading of the global discounts rule export CSV.array $entityIdHeader array of csv headers user_id|role|group_id.string $ruleType type of the CSP rules usp|rsp|csp.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-global-rule-import.php: 76

array$entityIdHeader: array of csv headers user_id|role|group_id.

string$ruleType: type of the CSP rules usp|rsp|csp.

array$entityIdHeader: array of csv headers user_id|role|group_id.

string$ruleType: type of the CSP rules usp|rsp|csp.


Filter for the heading of the category rule export CSV.array $entityIdHeader array of csv headers user_id|role|group_id.string $ruleType type of the CSP rules usp|rsp|csp.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-category-rule-import.php: 191

array$entityIdHeader: array of csv headers user_id|role|group_id.

string$ruleType: type of the CSP rules usp|rsp|csp.



Override nonce verification for extending import functionality in any third party extensionstring|bool $nonce_verification

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 32


string$capability: wordpress user capability


Allow only admin to import csv files, this filter can be used to change the user capability required to access import feature.string $capability wordpress user capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 43

string$capability: wordpress user capability

string$currentUserCanImport: Current User can import


This filter can be used to conditionally enabled disable the access to the import feature.string $currentUserCanImport Current User can import

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 49

string$currentUserCanImport: Current User can import

bool|array$translatedProductIds: translation product ids if exist or false.


Filter to check if the current product has the translations created with WPML, the same rules will be replicated for the translations as well.bool|array $translatedProductIds translation product ids if exist or false.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 133

bool|array$translatedProductIds: translation product ids if exist or false.

int$productId: WooCommerce Product Id.


This filter can be used to filter the product Id fetched by the SKU for import $productId WooCommerce Product Id.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/process-import/class-wdm-abstract-process-csv-batches.php: 205

int$productId: WooCommerce Product Id.

string|bool$nonce_verification: default _wpnonce(nonce_name).


Override nonce verification for extending import functionality in any third party extensionstring|bool $nonce_verification default _wpnonce(nonce_name).

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-wdm-wusp-import.php: 142

string|bool$nonce_verification: default _wpnonce(nonce_name).



Filter to define whayt capability is required for the user to be able to access export functionality.string $capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-wdm-wusp-import.php: 154




This filter can be used to conditionally allow the user to access the import feature when they do not have the capability to export.string $capabilityToExport

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-wdm-wusp-import.php: 161


int$batchSize: default 1000.


Filter to increase or reduce the batch size defined in CSP rule importint $batchSize default 1000.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-wdm-wusp-import.php: 356

int$batchSize: default 1000.

int$noOfSimultaneousBatchImport: default 2.


Filter number of simultanious batches to use while importing the CSP $noOfSimultaneousBatchImport default 2.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-wdm-wusp-import.php: 370

int$noOfSimultaneousBatchImport: default 2.



This hook can be used to disable file type check for the import default file type checking is enabled.bool $fileTypeCheck

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/import/class-wdm-wusp-import.php: 398


array$csvHeadings: list of CSV headings

string$ruleType: CSP rule type.


This filter can be used to filter the headings of the category rule Export CSV file.array $csvHeadings list of CSV headingsstring $ruleType CSP rule type.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/class-category-rule-export.php: 116

array$csvHeadings: list of CSV headings

string$ruleType: CSP rule type.

array$ruleArray: array of CSP rules.

array$categoryRules: array of category rule objects fetched from the database.

string$ruleTypeId: Rule type identifier.


Filter the CSP rules to be included in the category rule export file.array $ruleArray array of CSP rules.array $categoryRules array of category rule objects fetched from the database.string $ruleTypeId Rule type identifier.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/class-category-rule-export.php: 186

array$ruleArray: array of CSP rules.

array$categoryRules: array of category rule objects fetched from the database.

string$ruleTypeId: Rule type identifier.

array$csvHeadings: list of CSV headings

string$ruleType: CSP rule type.


This filter can be used to filter the headings of the global discount rule Export CSV file.array $csvHeadings list of CSV headingsstring $ruleType CSP rule type.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/class-global-discounts-rule-export.php: 116

array$csvHeadings: list of CSV headings

string$ruleType: CSP rule type.

array$ruleArray: array of CSP rules.

array$categoryRules: array of global rule objects fetched from the database.

string$ruleTypeId: Rule type identifier.


Filter the CSP rules to be included in the global rule export file.array $ruleArray array of CSP rules.array $categoryRules array of global rule objects fetched from the database.string $ruleTypeId Rule type identifier.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/class-global-discounts-rule-export.php: 185

array$ruleArray: array of CSP rules.

array$categoryRules: array of global rule objects fetched from the database.

string$ruleTypeId: Rule type identifier.

array$user_headings: array of csv headers.

string$exportType: type of the CSP rules.


Filter for the heading of the user based rule export CSV.array $user_headings array of csv headers.string $exportType type of the CSP rules.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/process-export/class-wdm-wusp-user-specific-pricing-export.php: 41

array$user_headings: array of csv headers.

string$exportType: type of the CSP rules.

array$formattedResult: list of csp rule arrays.

string$exportType: type pf the CSP rules


Filter for changing the rules in the role based rules export file, this filter can be used to add/remove new columns from the export files.array $formattedResult list of csp rule arrays.string $exportType type pf the CSP rules

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/process-export/class-wdm-wusp-user-specific-pricing-export.php: 118

array$formattedResult: list of csp rule arrays.

string$exportType: type pf the CSP rules

array$role_heading: array of csv headers.

string$exportType: type of the CSP rules.


Filter for the heading of the role based rule export CSV.array $role_heading array of csv headers.string $exportType type of the CSP rules.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/process-export/class-wdm-wusp-role-specific-pricing-export.php: 34

array$role_heading: array of csv headers.

string$exportType: type of the CSP rules.

array$formattedResult: list of csp rule arrays.

string$exportType: type pf the CSP rules


Filter for changing the rules in the role based rules export file, this filter can be used to add/remove new columns from the export files.array $formattedResult list of csp rule arrays.string $exportType type pf the CSP rules

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/process-export/class-wdm-wusp-role-specific-pricing-export.php: 84

array$formattedResult: list of csp rule arrays.

string$exportType: type pf the CSP rules

array$group_headings: array of csv headers.

string$exportType: type of the CSP rules.


Filter for the heading of the group rule export CSV.array $group_headings array of csv headers.string $exportType type of the CSP rules.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/process-export/class-wdm-wusp-group-specific-pricing-export.php: 40

array$group_headings: array of csv headers.

string$exportType: type of the CSP rules.

array$formattedResult: list of csp rule arrays.

string$exportType: type pf the CSP rules


Filter for changing the rules in the group rules export file, this filter can be used to add/remove new columns from the export files.array $formattedResult list of csp rule arrays.string $exportType type pf the CSP rules

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/export/process-export/class-wdm-wusp-group-specific-pricing-export.php: 92

array$formattedResult: list of csp rule arrays.

string$exportType: type pf the CSP rules

No Arguments


This action is internally used to show the export page options on the CSP Admin

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/class-wdm-wusp-import-export.php: 68

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is internally used to show the import page options on the CSP Admin

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/import-export/class-wdm-wusp-import-export.php: 101

No Arguments

bool$disabled: default True.


This filter can be used to enable/disable price sorting in csp special shop page.the filtering is disabled by default as woocommerce uses product meta for quicker price sorting,the same cannot be implemented using CSP price or it will be slower.bool $disabled default True.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/class-product-archive.php: 30

bool$disabled: default True.

bool$globalDiscountsActive: does the global discounts feature of CSP active.


This filter can be used to disable showing the products with global discounts on the special shop page.bool $globalDiscountsActive does the global discounts feature of CSP active.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/class-product-archive.php: 79

bool$globalDiscountsActive: does the global discounts feature of CSP active.

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.


This filter can be used to disable/enable shoowing the products discounted with user specific pricing on the special shop page.bool $show default $userId Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.array $roles user roles to which the user belong.array $userGroups user groups of the user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/csp-data/class-csp-applied-product-ids.php: 133

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.


This filter can be used to disable/enable shoowing the products discounted with role specific pricing on the special shop page.bool $show default $userId Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.array $roles user roles to which the user belong.array $userGroups user groups of the user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/csp-data/class-csp-applied-product-ids.php: 157

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.


This filter can be used to disable/enable shoowing the products discounted with group specific pricing on the special shop page.bool $show default $userId Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.array $roles user roles to which the user belong.array $userGroups user groups of the user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/csp-data/class-csp-applied-product-ids.php: 181

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.


This filter can be used to disable/enable shoowing the products discounted with user specific category pricing on the special shop page.bool $show default $userId Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.array $roles user roles to which the user belong.array $userGroups user groups of the user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/csp-data/class-csp-applied-product-ids.php: 207

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.


This filter can be used to disable/enable shoowing the products discounted with role specific category pricing on the special shop page.bool $show default $userId Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.array $roles user roles to which the user belong.array $userGroups user groups of the user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/csp-data/class-csp-applied-product-ids.php: 231

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.


This filter can be used to disable/enable shoowing the products discounted with group specific category pricing on the special shop page.bool $show default $userId Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.array $roles user roles to which the user belong.array $userGroups user groups of the user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/products-archive/csp-data/class-csp-applied-product-ids.php: 255

bool$show: default True.

int$userId: Id of the user for whom special shop page is being prepared.

array$roles: user roles to which the user belong.

array$userGroups: user groups of the user.

string$text: default 'Cart Discount'.

string$cdOfferText: text containing details of the order.

array$aRule: Rule which is used for applygin the cart discount.


Filter can be used to change the cart discount text.string $text default 'Cart Discount'.string $cdOfferText text containing details of the order.array $aRule Rule which is used for applygin the cart discount.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/class-wdm-csp-cd-application.php: 91

string$text: default 'Cart Discount'.

string$cdOfferText: text containing details of the order.

array$aRule: Rule which is used for applygin the cart discount.

string$offerHtml: Existing Html content for the offer display.

string$buttonText: Text to be shown on the button.

string$shopMoreLink: The link to redirect user to shop more products(default: WC shop page link).


This filter can be used to filter the Cart offer text htmlstring $offerHtml Existing Html content for the offer display.string $buttonText Text to be shown on the button.string $shopMoreLink The link to redirect user to shop more products(default: WC shop page link).

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/class-wdm-csp-cd-application.php: 143

string$offerHtml: Existing Html content for the offer display.

string$buttonText: Text to be shown on the button.

string$shopMoreLink: The link to redirect user to shop more products(default: WC shop page link).

bool$enabled: true|false (default: true).


This filter can be used to disable showing the maximum applicable discount amount & text in the offers modalbool $enabled true|false (default: true).

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/class-wdm-csp-cd-application.php: 218

bool$enabled: true|false (default: true).

No Arguments


This hook executes after the grneration of the cart modal & can be used toadd custom notice/message/html in the cart discounts modal.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/class-wdm-csp-cd-application.php: 255

No Arguments

array$rules: array of applicable subrules.

string$rulesType: Type of the subrules.


This filter can be used to filter the cart discount rules applicable for the user conditionally.array $rules array of applicable subrules.string $rulesType Type of the subrules.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/class-wdm-csp-cd-application.php: 596

array$rules: array of applicable subrules.

string$rulesType: Type of the subrules.



This filter can be used to filter out the offer display threshold % of the cart conditionally change the threshold for different users.float $thresholdValue

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/cart-discount/data-store/class-feature-settings.php: 110


bool$changeTotalAsPerTheCSP: true|false (default: true).

object$product: WooCommerce product object.

object$orderItem: Item to be included in the manual order.

int$orderItemId: Id of the Item being added in the cart.


This filter can be used to enable disable the CSP pricing the WooCommerce Manual ordersbool $changeTotalAsPerTheCSP true|false (default: true).object $product WooCommerce product object.object $orderItem Item to be included in the manual $orderItemId Id of the Item being added in the cart.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/dashboard-orders/class-wdm-customer-specific-pricing-new-order.php: 100

bool$changeTotalAsPerTheCSP: true|false (default: true).

object$product: WooCommerce product object.

object$orderItem: Item to be included in the manual order.

int$orderItemId: Id of the Item being added in the cart.

No Arguments


This action gets executed before CSP changes dashboard order subtotal.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/dashboard-orders/class-wdm-customer-specific-pricing-new-order.php: 110

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action gets executed after CSP changes dashboard order subtotal.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/dashboard-orders/class-wdm-customer-specific-pricing-new-order.php: 138

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action executes right before csp calculates price pairs for the product in the dashboard order item.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/dashboard-orders/class-wdm-customer-specific-pricing-new-order.php: 166

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action executes right after csp calculates price pairs for the product in the dashboard order item.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/dashboard-orders/class-wdm-customer-specific-pricing-new-order.php: 193

No Arguments



Filter to define whayt capability is required for the user to be able to access export functionality.string $capability

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/dashboard-orders/class-wdm-customer-specific-pricing-new-order.php: 262




This filter can be used to conditionally allow the user to access the import feature when they do not have the capability to export.string $capabilityToExport

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/dashboard-orders/class-wdm-customer-specific-pricing-new-order.php: 269


float$price: Current product price.

int$productId: Id of the woocommerce product.

int$quantity: quantity for which CSP price is required.

int$userId: user Id of the user for whom the CSP is required.


Get CSP price for the product quantity.float $price Current product $productId Id of the woocommerce $quantity quantity for which CSP price is $userId user Id of the user for whom the CSP is required.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-product-tables.php: 37

float$price: Current product price.

int$productId: Id of the woocommerce product.

int$quantity: quantity for which CSP price is required.

int$userId: user Id of the user for whom the CSP is required.

string$capability: wordpress capability of the user default, manage_options(Admin).


Determine which user should be capable of accessing the CSP admin menu page.string $capability wordpress capability of the user default, manage_options(Admin).

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-single-view-tabs.php: 109

string$capability: wordpress capability of the user default, manage_options(Admin).

No Arguments


This action is being used for loading the search by & delete tab on content on the WP admin settings page,The same hook can be used to add functionality/html above or under the search by & delete page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-single-view-tabs.php: 229

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is being used for loading the promotions & whats new tab on content on the WP admin settings page,The same hook can be used to add functionality/html above or under the page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-single-view-tabs.php: 236

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is being used for loading the CSP General Settings tab on content on the WP admin settings page,The same hook can be used to add functionality/html above or under the page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-single-view-tabs.php: 243

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is being used for loading the Cart Discounts tab on content on the WP admin settings page,The same hook can be used to add functionality/html above or under the page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-single-view-tabs.php: 252

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is being used for loading the Global Discounts tab on content on the WP admin settings page,The same hook can be used to add functionality/html above or under the page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-single-view-tabs.php: 261

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is being used for loading the Feedback Submenu page content on the WP admin settings,The same hook can be used to add functionality/html above or under the page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-single-view-tabs.php: 313

No Arguments

float$salePrice: Current sale price of the product.

int$productId: Id of the WooCommerce product for which the sale price is fetched.


This filter can be used to filter the sale price being used by the CSP for price calculations.float $salePrice Current sale price of the $productId Id of the WooCommerce product for which the sale price is fetched.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-functions.php: 699

float$salePrice: Current sale price of the product.

int$productId: Id of the WooCommerce product for which the sale price is fetched.

string$sku: Current SKU for the product.

object$product: WooCommerce Product object.


This filter can be used to filter/change the product SKU fetched for the product using product Idstring $sku Current SKU for the product.object $product WooCommerce Product object.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-functions.php: 1247

string$sku: Current SKU for the product.

object$product: WooCommerce Product object.

bool$enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage: - true|false.


This filter can be used to stop manipulation of the CSP user specific pricing rules from the simple product edit pagebool $enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage - true|false.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-functions.php: 1487

bool$enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage: - true|false.

bool$enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage: - true|false.


This filter can be used to stop manipulation of the CSP role specific pricing rules from the simple product edit pagebool $enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage - true|false.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-functions.php: 1504

bool$enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage: - true|false.

bool$enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage: - true|false.


This filter can be used to stop manipulation of the CSP group specific pricing rules from the simple product edit pagebool $enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage - true|false.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/class-wdm-wusp-functions.php: 1521

bool$enableRuleManipulationFromProductEditPage: - true|false.

No Arguments


/This action is used internally to list the category specific user rules on the rule edit page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/category-template.php: 118

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is used internally to list the category specific role based rules on the rule edit page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/category-template.php: 140

No Arguments
No Arguments


This action is used internally to list the category specific group based rules on the rule edit page.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/category-template.php: 162

No Arguments

array$price: array of CSP rules fetched from the database.

int$currentUserId: Id of the WP user for which the rules are fetched.

array$catArray: Array of category slugs.


This filter can be used to filter the category based user specific pricing rules applicable to the product for the user.this filter is also used internally.array $price array of CSP rules fetched from the $currentUserId Id of the WP user for which the rules are fetched.array $catArray Array of category slugs.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-get-category-data.php: 212

array$price: array of CSP rules fetched from the database.

int$currentUserId: Id of the WP user for which the rules are fetched.

array$catArray: Array of category slugs.

array$price: array of CSP rules fetched from the database.

array$userRoles: array of user role slugs for which the rules are fetched.

array$catArray: Array of category slugs.


This filter can be used to filter the category based role specific pricing rules applicable to the product for the user.this filter is also used internally.array $price array of CSP rules fetched from the database.array $userRoles array of user role slugs for which the rules are fetched.array $catArray Array of category slugs.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-get-category-data.php: 347

array$price: array of CSP rules fetched from the database.

array$userRoles: array of user role slugs for which the rules are fetched.

array$catArray: Array of category slugs.

array$price: array of CSP rules fetched from the database.

array$userGroupIds: array of user group Ids for which the rules are fetched.

array$catArray: Array of category slugs.


This filter can be used to filter the category based group specific pricing rules applicable to the product for the user.this filter is also used internally.array $price array of CSP rules fetched from the database.array $userGroupIds array of user group Ids for which the rules are fetched.array $catArray Array of category slugs.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/category-pricing/class-wdm-wusp-get-category-data.php: 491

array$price: array of CSP rules fetched from the database.

array$userGroupIds: array of user group Ids for which the rules are fetched.

array$catArray: Array of category slugs.

int$productId: WC product Id.


Filter for productId in the API requestint $productId WC product Id.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/cspapi-functions.php: 54

int$productId: WC product Id.

int$entity: user|role|group.


Filter for entity in the API requestint $entity user|role|group.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/cspapi-functions.php: 60

int$entity: user|role|group.

int$qty: quantity in the CSP rule.


Filter for quantity in the API requestint $qty quantity in the CSP rule.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/cspapi-functions.php: 66

int$qty: quantity in the CSP rule.

int$price: flat price or % discount value.


Filter for discounted price or % discount value in the API requestint $price flat price or % discount value.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/cspapi-functions.php: 80

int$price: flat price or % discount value.

bool$isHashValid: true|false

string$clientHash: MD5 hash value shared by the client.

string$serverHash: MD5 hash generated by the server to validate the rule.

array$item: CSP rule data submited in API request.


This filter can be used to enable/disable hash validation in CSP rest API.bool $isHashValid true|falsestring $clientHash MD5 hash value shared by the client.string $serverHash MD5 hash generated by the server to validate the rule.array $item CSP rule data submited in API request.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/cspapi-functions.php: 143

bool$isHashValid: true|false

string$clientHash: MD5 hash value shared by the client.

string$serverHash: MD5 hash generated by the server to validate the rule.

array$item: CSP rule data submited in API request.

array$cspData: Data submited by API request.

array$item: CSP Rule data.

string$key: key for which data value is being retrived.


This filter can be use to filter out the CSP rule data submitted in the API request.array $cspData Data submited by API request.array $item CSP Rule data.string $key key for which data value is being retrived.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/cspapi-functions.php: 205

array$cspData: Data submited by API request.

array$item: CSP Rule data.

string$key: key for which data value is being retrived.

object$response: responce generated by API callback.

object$request: API request.


This filter can be used to modify the APi response body.object $response responce generated by API callback.object $request API request.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-abstract-csp-mappings.php: 53

object$response: responce generated by API callback.

object$request: API request.

array$userRoles: array of alloweded user roles.


This filter can be used to allow/disallow users with specific capabilitys to perform delete operations using CSP API.array $userRoles array of alloweded user roles.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-abstract-csp-mappings.php: 139

array$userRoles: array of alloweded user roles.

string$failedMessage: for the request.

string$key: key of the request Item.

array$item: rule data for which the failed message is generated.


This filter can be used to modify the failed message responce from API.string $failedMessage for the request.string $key key of the request Item.array $item rule data for which the failed message is generated.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-abstract-csp-mappings.php: 195

string$failedMessage: for the request.

string$key: key of the request Item.

array$item: rule data for which the failed message is generated.

string$successMessage: for the request.

string$key: key of the request Item.

array$item: rule data for which the success message is generated.


This filter can be used to modify the success message responce from API.string $successMessage for the request.string $key key of the request Item.array $item rule data for which the success message is generated.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-abstract-csp-mappings.php: 219

string$successMessage: for the request.

string$key: key of the request Item.

array$item: rule data for which the success message is generated.

array$response: Response data generated by the API callback.

array$request: CSP API request data.


Filter to filter out the Generated CSP API response.array $response Response data generated by the API callback.array $request CSP API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 181

array$response: Response data generated by the API callback.

array$request: CSP API request data.

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for API delete request response for group specific pricing rules, the same can be used to filter the API delete operation responseor to take certain actions post the delete request execution based on the results.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 239

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the group specific pricing.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 268

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the group specific pricing by group name.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 287

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the group specific pricing by product Id.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 308

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the group specific pricing by group name & product Id.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 343

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the group specific pricing by product Id.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 369

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array: $gspData GSP data for a particular group/ product.

bool$singleProductResponse: True if '$gspData' contains pricing


Filter for CSP API response format for the group specific pricing.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $gspData GSP data for a particular group/ product.bool $singleProductResponse True if '$gspData' contains pricingabout a single product. False if '$gspData'contains pricing for all products about aparticular group.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 444

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array: $gspData GSP data for a particular group/ product.

bool$singleProductResponse: True if '$gspData' contains pricing

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array: $gspData GSP data for a particular group/ product.


Filter for CSP API response format for the group specific pricing.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $gspData GSP data for a particular group/ product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 487

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array: $gspData GSP data for a particular group/ product.

bool$result whether: group mapping exists in 'wusp_group_product_price_mapping' table.

int$groupId Id: of the WP user group.

int$productId: Id of the WC product.

int$minQty: Minimum quantity field in the rule.


Filter to changeg the result for whether group mapping exists in 'wusp_group_product_price_mapping' table.bool $result whether group mapping exists in 'wusp_group_product_price_mapping' $groupId Id of the WP user $productId Id of the WC $minQty Minimum quantity field in the rule.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-group-based.php: 519

bool$result whether: group mapping exists in 'wusp_group_product_price_mapping' table.

int$groupId Id: of the WP user group.

int$productId: Id of the WC product.

int$minQty: Minimum quantity field in the rule.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the newly created rules by API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 205

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the deleted rules by API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 265

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the get all rules by user id query in API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 296

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the get user rules by user emails query in API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 322

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the get user rules by user id query in API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 342

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the get user rules for product by user email query in API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 370

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the get user rules on product by product id query in API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 392

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the get user rules by product id query in API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 427

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.


Filter the API response data for the get all the rules by product id query in API callbackobject $response responce data generated by API callback.object $request API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 455

object$response: responce data generated by API callback.

object$request: API request data.

array$response: array of responce objects for API requests

array$cspData: CSP data for a particular user/ product.

bool$singleProductResponse: True if '$cspData' contains pricing


Filter the CSP API request response dataarray $response array of responce objects for API requestsarray $cspData CSP data for a particular user/ product.bool $singleProductResponse True if '$cspData' contains pricing about a single product. False if '$cspData' contains pricing for all products about a particular user.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 529

array$response: array of responce objects for API requests

array$cspData: CSP data for a particular user/ product.

bool$singleProductResponse: True if '$cspData' contains pricing

array$response: Array containing formatted CSP data for API response.

array$cspData: Array containing all pricing mappings of a


Filter for Formatted API responce generated by CSP API,array $response Array containing formatted CSP data for API response.array $cspData Array containing all pricing mappings of aspecific product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 573

array$response: Array containing formatted CSP data for API response.

array$cspData: Array containing all pricing mappings of a

bool$result whether: customer mapping exists in 'wusp_user_pricing' table.

int$userId Id: of the WP user specified in the API request

int$productId: Id of the WC product.

int$minQty: Minimum quantity field in the rule.


Filter to changeg the result for whether customer mapping exists in 'wusp_user_pricing' table.bool $result whether customer mapping exists in 'wusp_user_pricing' $userId Id of the WP user specified in the API requestint $productId Id of the WC $minQty Minimum quantity field in the rule.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-customer-based.php: 605

bool$result whether: customer mapping exists in 'wusp_user_pricing' table.

int$userId Id: of the WP user specified in the API request

int$productId: Id of the WC product.

int$minQty: Minimum quantity field in the rule.

array$response: Response data generated by the API callback.

array$request: CSP API request data.


Filter to filter out the Generated CSP API response.array $response Response data generated by the API callback.array $request CSP API request data.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 182

array$response: Response data generated by the API callback.

array$request: CSP API request data.

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for API delete request response for role specific pricing rules, the same can be used to filter the API delete operation responseor to take certain actions post the delete request execution based on the results.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 244

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the role specific pricing.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 275

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the role specific pricing by role slug.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 295

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the role specific pricing by product Id.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 317

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the group specific pricing by role-slug & product Id.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 353

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data


Filter for CSP API get request response for the role specific pricing by product Id.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $request CSP API request data

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 381

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$request: CSP API request data

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$rspData: RSP data for a particular role/ product.

bool$singleProductResponse: True if '$rspData' contains pricing


Filter for CSP API response format for the role specific pricing.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $rspData RSP data for a particular role/ product.bool $singleProductResponse True if '$rspData' contains pricingabout a single product. False if '$rspData'contains pricing for all products about aparticular role.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 456

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array$rspData: RSP data for a particular role/ product.

bool$singleProductResponse: True if '$rspData' contains pricing

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array: $rspData RSP data for a particular group/ product.


Filter for CSP API response format for the role specific pricing.array $response responce prepared by the API callbackarray $rspData RSP data for a particular group/ product.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 498

array$response: responce prepared by the API callback

array: $rspData RSP data for a particular group/ product.

bool$result whether: group mapping exists in 'wusp_role_pricing_mapping' table.

int$role wp: user-role slug.

int$productId: Id of the WC product.

int$minQty: Minimum quantity field in the rule.


Filter to changeg the result for whether role mapping exists in 'wusp_role_pricing_mapping' table.bool $result whether group mapping exists in 'wusp_role_pricing_mapping' $role wp user-role $productId Id of the WC $minQty Minimum quantity field in the rule.

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/csp-api/includes/api/class-csp-mappings-role-based.php: 530

bool$result whether: group mapping exists in 'wusp_role_pricing_mapping' table.

int$role wp: user-role slug.

int$productId: Id of the WC product.

int$minQty: Minimum quantity field in the rule.

array$array: {


This filter can be used to filter the names used for the rule option types.array $array {}

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/single-view/settings/general.php: 46

customer-specific-pricing-for-woocommerce/includes/single-view/settings/search_setting.php: 42

array$array: {

Updated on March 25, 2021
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