My site menus are not working on frontend This probably happens due to the multiple bootstrap files being loaded on the frontend site. PEP enqueues bootstrap files on...
How to modify Custom Form error messages Modify ‘Required’ error messages: The ‘Required’ error messages of the PEP custom form can be easily modified. To modify the...
Enquiry Cart or Enquiry Cart Icon is not working correctly When a product is added to the enquiry cart, a cookie is added to the user’s site and a database...
Google Captcha is not working. Shows error message always. There are a few reasons because of which Google Captcha may not work. Here are the troubleshooting guides which you...
PEP is not showing variation attributes in the enquiry cart and in the enquiry email Introduction When a variable product is added to the enquiry cart, PEP displays the variable product along with its attributes...
The button does not work after clicking on a single or archive page. This issue can happen in so many seniors however we will talk about one generic scenario. To determine if the...
Enquiry Form Doesn’t Display Properly. This article discusses the issue of the form not being visible when adding a product to the enquiry cart and...