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Setting up Google Captcha for PEP Enquiry Form

PEP provides two types of Enquiry Form:

  • Default Form
  • Custom Form

Enabling Google Captcha for Default Form

To enable the Google Captcha for the Default Enquiry Form, you must enable the setting Enable google captcha.

Enabling Google Captcha for Custom Form

To enable the Google Captcha for Custom Form, you need to add a form field Captcha in the custom form.

Configuring Google Captcha

First, you need to create the Google Captcha site key and secret key. To create the site key and secret key, you need to visit Google Captcha page.

Google Site Key: If you are using the captcha version 2, then enter the site key of captcha version 2. If you are using the captcha version 3, then enter the site key of captcha version 3.

Google Secret Key: If you are using the captcha version 2, then enter the secret key of captcha version 2. If you are using the captcha version 3, then enter the secret key of captcha version 3.

Google Captcha version 3 ?: Select this option only if you are using the captcha version 3. If you are using the captcha version 2, then unselect this option.

Google Captcha Error Message: Enter a message which will be shown on the enquiry form when a user fails to verify the Google Captcha.

Compatibility Details: Google Captcha is multilingual compatible.

Updated on November 20, 2020
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