
WooCommerce Scheduler Plugin Coming Soon!!

Picture of Tahseen Kazi

Tahseen Kazi

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Updated Dec 2014: The WooCommerce Scheduler Plugin is Live! 

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WooCommerce Scheduler
We work extensively with WooCommerce and have done diverse WooCommerce customizations to add functionality to the already vast feature set of WooCommerce.

One such requirement from a client was to pull back products from the shop page after a fixed period of time. In this case the fixed period was 7 days. So, WooCommerce was customized to pull back published products after a span of 7 days. These unpublished products were then saved back as draft.

While this feature is an interesting one, it is very crude and requires a developers involvement to make it work.

So if you need to expire products from a shop page after a week you come to us and we code it for you. Later if you want to change the expiration period to one month you’ll have to come to us again.

Not happening right??

Wouldn’t you prefer to have the control of your products in your own hands?

Well we seem to think the same.

That’s when we decided to make a plugin out of this idea and WooCommerce Scheduler Plugin was born.


What is WooCommerce Scheduler Plugin?

WooCommerce Scheduler plugin is a WooCommerce extension that allows users to buy a product from the shop page only during a particular time period that has been set in the dashboard.

On any date above and beyond this time period the product is no more available for purchase. However customers will still be able to view the product in the shop page.

2 Simple Steps to Set Up WooCommerce Scheduler

#1 Set Product Display Period

  • In order to display a product for a certain time period, the admin will have to set a start date and an end date on the product page in the dashboard.


  • The start date signifies the date from which the product will be available for purchase on the shop page. While the end date signifies the date upto which a product will be available for purchase. On any date before the start date and after end date the product will be available on the shop page, however the ‘Add to Cart’ button will not be available for the customer to make purchases

[su_note note_color=”#fffdd9″]

Updated Dec 2014: The WooCommerce Scheduler Plugin is Live! 

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#2 Set a Product Expiration Message

  • The customer must define a message on the WooCommerce settings page.
  • This message will be displayed to the end user when the product display time period has expired and the product is no longer available for purchase.


  • Now when the product is not available for purchase beyond a particular time period then the product will look as below.



Applications of WooCommerce Scheduler Plugin

#1 eCommerce shop

  • The WooCommerce Scheduler Plugin can be used in a eCommerce shop, built on  WooCommerce to sell limited edition products.
  • It can also be used by eCommerce store owners selling third party products on their WooCOmmerce store on a subscription basis.

#2 Learning Management System

  • The WooCommerce scheduler Plugin can also be used in any learning management system that is using WooCommerce to sell their courses and requires the courses to be available for only a particular time period.

Thus, WooCommerce Scheduler plugin gives you the freedom of displaying all available products on the WooCommerce store while not necessarily selling them. You can set up an enquiry form using the Product Enquiry Pro plugin for products that are not available for purchases. Interested customers can make inquiries for this product through the enquiry form.

So if you are one of those WooCommerce users who are looking to include this functionality in your WooCommerce store then let us know through the comment section below!

Picture of Tahseen Kazi

Tahseen Kazi

4 Responses

  1. I need this in for my site, as the new website changes products every day because its a flash sales site. i dont have an issue with scheduling them to come on, but the issue is i would like them to come off automatically, so i dont have wait up until 12am to replace the old deals with the new ones. can your plugin do this? and is it now available?

    1. Hi Tristan,

      The WooCommerce Scheduler plugin is now available for purchase. Here is the link for the same. //

      The plugin allows shop owners to schedule a product to be available for purchase on the WooCommerce shop page. So, let us assume if you have scheduled a product between 20th February 2015 – 22nd February 2015, the said product will be available for purchase between the set dates. Beyond the dates provided the product will be available on the shop page, however, will not be available for purchase.

      I hope that answers your question.

  2. My Goodness I have been looking for this god knows for how long. I was just about to email the multi vendor plugin guys to request to add this to the plugin. I would really love to hear from you when this is ready to rock. Thank you smart people 🙂

    1. Hey Sarah,

      This is a pretty old post. The plugin is live, you can find it here: https: //

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