
How to Block Crawlers, Spiders and Bots from Websites

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Sometimes disallowing crawlers on your website using robots.txt is not sufficient. In spite of this measure crawlers are still able to come on your website. In such a situation you need to block crawlers. Read on to find how you block crawlers.

How to Resolve the 404 Error in WordPress

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The 404 Error in WordPress is often experienced in spite of the page being available on the server. This happens because certain technical aspects not being in place. However, it is not very difficult to get these things right. Read on to know more about solving the 404 Error.

How to Create Your Own WordPress Shortcodes

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If you have ever felt the need to create your own shortcodes then this is the post to read. It gives a detailed description on how to create self-closing and enclosing shortcodes as well as shortcodes with attributes.