Add a Custom Title or Image Logo to your WordPress Theme

Read a simple way to modify your WordPress site by adding a custom title or an Image logo to your theme.
Installing WordPress on the WebHost

This step by step guide provides details on how to Install Wordpress on WebHost. It involves using the Softaculous Apps Installer to easily complete the installation.
Fetching the Comments Count on Single Post

Get the number of comments on a post in WordPress and display the count in the post excerpt to indicate the popularity of a single post.
Difference between and

What it the difference between and And which one would be more suitable for you. Read our preference to help you choose.
How To Create A Link To Current Category In WordPress

Read a simple way to add a link to a category in a WordPress post or page. A category can be added using the category name or id.
Forgot WordPress Password – Reset MD5 hash with phpMyAdmin

Forgetting your WordPress admin password can put you in a fix. But worry not, there is a way to reset your password through phpMyAdmin.
How to Install WordPress on Localhost
Installing WordPress on Windows made simple. Read step by step instructions, on how to install WordPress locally on your computer, using WAMP.