Step Up Your WooCommerce Website with Prepaid Subscriptions Package

Are you looking for a new strategy to increase sales on your WooCommerce Subscriptions Website? Prepaid subscriptions package is a feature that will help you do just that. Let’s take a look at the nitty-gritty.
Optimize your WordPress Database Using RVG Optimize Database Plugin

WordPress website maintenance involves ensuring an optimized database, to make your website lighter, and load faster. Use the Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions plugin to help you.
5 EE4 Add-ons to Superpower your Event Management System

Event Espresso is an online event registration & attendance management plugin for WordPress. In this article, we discuss 5 EE4 add-ons make your website function better.
How to Clean Up and Optimize Your WordPress Database
Maintenance of your WordPress website involves optimizing your database and freeing it of any clutter. Use these simple measures on a timely basis to keep your database clean of any unwanted or unused data.
5-Step Guide to Add File Upload in EE4 Registration Form

If you’re looking to add a file upload functionality in your Event Espresso (EE4) registration form, you’ve come to the right place. These 5 steps will explain to you exactly how this can be done.
Integrating BuddyPress and Event Espresso for a Meetup Website

Let’s look at how to integrate BuddyPress and Event Espresso to create a meetup based events website. The Events Manager plugin can also be used. Read on to find out more.
4 Surefire Ways to Simplify Event Management on your Event Espresso Website

For clients who offer an e-service, experience is directly proportional to customers. The better the experience, the more the customers. Read how you can simplify event management, to improve user experience on your event management website.
How to Auto-Create Waiting Lists in Event Espresso

Event Espresso (EE3) provides the option to create waiting lists as events. Automate waitlist creation to counter attendee cancellations for every event created.
Display Tooltips for Gravity Forms Fields

Gravity Forms provides a Description property to add details about a particular field. But what when you want to display field information as a tooltip? Read on.
How to add a Preview for an e-Book in WordPress

A preview for an e-book or PDF involves unlocking few pages which can be read by potential buyers, on your WordPress website, or in your WooCommerce store.