
How a Dashboard can simplify LearnDash Quiz Reporting

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Image Source: Have you ever paid attention to your car’s dashboard? And how is it designed to measure and report on important activities? The speedometer records the speed in real-time and tells you when to slow down, dash lights warn you when your car’s not performing well, indicate when to refill, etc. And it […]

How to Get Insights from your LearnDash Analytics Data

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Student data in LearnDash can help you broadly understand two things — Learner Performance and Course Impact. Surely, it can give you an overview of the course and learner activity, too. But is it enough to understand which parts of your course are running smoothly and which parts are failing? To get these ‘insights’, you […]

5 Genius ways to get insights in LearnDash

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An LMS (like LearnDash) is not just designed to create/monetize online courses.  It can give you insights about your learner’s performance. All learning management systems nowadays are equipped with reporting and grading features.  They provide all the top-level metrics that you need including course enrollments, revenue, and progress details.  But to get ‘insights’ about the […]

5 Custom Reporting Features You Need for LearnDash

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Frankly, LearnDash core features are designed to help you carefully craft and deliver your online courses. So that you can offer an immersive learning experience. But to create an effective learning environment, you must dive deep into the learner’s psychology. In other words, the ‘learning behavior‘. You can start by tracking their daily progress, evaluate […]